Why Do You Have A Snail?

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Chapter 29

Jinx's POV:

"You good? You seem to be zoning out." I almost died, I think I need to lay down...

'Shut up and keep rowing.' Dam, Lad be grumpy.

I think being enlightened made Lad have anger issues, or he has trauma from fully understanding how much people suck. Probably the ladder.

Just a little more, then I can pass out on the ship and contemplate life for the next couple hours. It's lucky Lad knew a location of a boat we could steal, the locals almost killed us but we made it! I'm gonna have nightmares about the one guy that's eye got stabbed with a fork, ew.

I wonder if Lad can communicate with animals now? That would be cool, then I could get him to cuss out the creatures that piss me off, or translate things!

'How are you so calm right now?' Lads voice(?) rang out in my head.


'You almost got killed by a cult that's probably out for your blood right now and yet you seem unfazed!' They said angrily.

"Were not in any immediate danger, so why stress over it?" I said calmly, if I thought to hard on all the shit I have to deal with, I'd probably go insane. Well... More insane.

They just sat(?) there, eyes stocks slumped. Actually... "Also now that I can ask, what are your pronouns?"

Lad looked confused for a moment but answered, 'He him.' Looking up Lads eye's widen.

Bumping into the side of the ship with the front of the boat, I fall over and faceplant onto the small deck of the boat. Which also caused Lads eye stocks to collide with his shell.

Groaning in pain I get up and check to see if Lads alright. He seems a little shaken up but over all ok. Grabbing the rope by my feet I look twords the deck of the ship.

"OI, get your grubby asses moving and help me!" After yelling at the ship I hear feet rushing around on deck.

Haru poked her head over the edge make eye contact with me, doing the lasso thing with the rope I yeet it to her. Missing completely the rope falls into the water, Haru giggles at my pain.

"Ami! Birdy's back!" She called turning away from my sulking form.

"Bring a rope!" This is embarrassing...

After getting onboard the vessel with Lad and being laughed at by the inhabitants. One of them noticed the phone snail I was holding.

"What's that?"

"Did you steal it?"

"I'm hungry."

"Did you kill someone?"

Dam that last one's a little concerning but ok, "This is the reason I when the that hellhole of a island in the first place. It is my pleaser and honer to introduce you to my partner in crime, Lad!"

I got a series of coughs as a response, I deflate a little. You know what?! Screw these losers, I'm gonna go pass out.

'Could I by chance be given some food?' Looking down at Lad, he have me a irritated look.

"I'll see what we have." And with that we walk to the kitchen, receiving weird looks from the kids that apparently live with me.

Digging through the cabinets because I don't know were things are stored, I come across a lot of boxes of cereal. Like why do we have 17 boxes of Captain crunch?!? I didn't know that existed in this world...

"What are you looking for, your gonna unorganized everything at this rate." Ami said from behind me, causing me to jump and knock one of the cereal boxes onto the floor.

"Fridge nuggets!" I need to get better at paying attention to my surroundings, like seriously.

Getting of the stool (because I'm short), I pick the box up, "Do you know were the vegetables or fruits are?"

She looked at me like I was stupid, "Why are your looking for that in the cabinets? It's in the fridge dunce."

I deserve that, why didn't I check the fridge? I bet Lad didn't say anything because he enjoys watching me suffer. Walking to the fridge I open it, low and behold the things I was searching for are located on its shelves. I feel dumb.

Snapping a couple leafs off a lettuce head, I give them to Lad who happily munchies on them.

"By the way, who were you talking to earlier?" Ami asked.

"Lad said he was hungry, so I got him food." I said with a shrug.

"Are you ok? Den den mushis only copy sounds via call, they don't talk. Are you going crazy?? I know everyone can be a little much but thinking a snail is talking to you? That's absurd."

"I'm not crazy! Lad tell her!!" I said looking at Lad desperately.

His smile morphs into a psychotic grin, 'No.'

You little bastard!

Word count: 816

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