What Is- A Person?!?

521 29 2

Chapter 35

Jinx's POV:

Day 200 something,

I don't know how long I've been on this rock, I didn't really keep track of time. Being without both hands has been a bitch. But I have made a replacement, not a very good one but it lets me pick things up (kinda).

The main issue with only having one hand is I can't make a raft to leave. I can't use my mouth to tighten rope or vines, so the thing always turns out unstable! I would of power swam to a island a while ago but Lad could die in my absence.

Not sure if that would make me sad at this point.


Sitting at a poorly made desk, I fiddle with my wooden 'hand'. It's not really a hand, more like crab pincers than anything. The thing can't really hold anything and breaks more often than not. Better than nothing I suppose...

 Better than nothing I suppose

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(A/N Crab hand.)

Glancing over at Lad, he seems to be asleep. Good for him but I need to get some grub, I'm thinking fish today. Taking my prosthetic hand off and putting it in a safe location. I up from my wooden stool, do some quick stretching and head twords the islands shore.

The main thing that makes this island stand out besides the lack of whether or wind, would have to be the bright red sand. Cool color if you ask me but it's kinda ominous when the sun reflects off it. Once I woke up and the roof of my shack was covered in red light, scared the shit out of me before I realized what was happened.

While walking to the shore I spot some boars nearby, there the thing that charged at me my first day here. I was probably to close to there young and they wanted to scare me off, which was very unsuccessful. For me. The boars are very large and roam in small groups around the island. After a while (and giving them food) I was able to ride one! Until it through me off into a tree, it was a painful experience. Would not recommend.

Exiting the woods, I take a deep breath, close my eye's and let my observation haki run wild. A odd thing with the island is the sand doesn't go far into the water, by that I mean there's a sudden drop and the water gets deep fast. Sea kings like to chill nearby so I just got to pinpoint one that's not to close to the others.

After about 5 minutes of looking, I start getting concerned with the lack of life. There also seems to be something strong coming in this direction... Opening my eyes I turn in the direction I sensed the strong presence in, but I don't see a ship. Wtf is scaring my food away?

Putting my hand above my eyes, I see a dark mass moving along the surface of the water. What is that? Extending my observation more in that direction, I can feel the pressure being released from this thing. The feeling makes me kinda uncomfortable, it's not overwhelming but just makes me wanna knock whoever's doing it unconscious. I think it's using haki, conquerors haki, so I guess that's a person...


I haven't spoken to anyone but Lad in forever, he was nice for a while but started bitching about everything when he got hungry. It's not as bad now that I have a small farm set up, but he was a total jerk for a while there.

Calming down, I look at the trajectory there swimming in,). There not gonna stop at the island. I need to get there attention some how...

Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself to use something I haven't used in a long time. Thinking of a very loud and clear voice, I open my mouth. "HEY! I NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE! COULD YOU LEND ME A HAND?" I couldn't help but add the last part.

Putting my hand over my throat, I massage it. My throat hurts, what a pain. Looking in the direction of the person, I notice they seem to be coming there way! This is either a good thing or a horribly bad thing.

Looking at the sky, the sun is still high. Which is good cuz it would suck to have to deal with those things while trying to converse with this stranger.

Fucking murder bee's.

Word count: 753

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