Well... That Was Dumb

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Chapter 24

Jinx's POV:

"I... I should of just tied them to a tree..." This was a mistake.

Maybe suspending them over boiling water was a poor decision. I mean they are like 10, and I'm threading to boil them alive... But they threatened Lad, well I guess Ace threatened Lad, but Sabo was a accomplice.

I'm just gonna untie- nevermind they both woke up.

3rd POV:

Sabo was the first to fully regain consciousness, immediately releasing a high pitched scream upon taking in his surroundings. Which invertedly woke Ace up, who was mentally freaking out after realizing they were dangling over a calderon of boiling water.

"What the heck Ace?!? Why did you say yes???" Sabo screeched.

"I didn't know this would happen!" Ace replied trying to think of a way out.

"She gave us a psychotic look before knocking us out! She literally warned you before hand!!" Sabo stated freaking out, he started to struggle in his binds, trying to free himself.

Dew to it being sometime around midnight, Ace was having a hard time seeing everything outside the range of the fire boiling the water beneath them. Sensing eyes on him he looks over at who's been looking at him, tensing when he makes eye contact.

"I suggest you stop moving around so much." A familiar voice calls out, making Sabo stop struggling and also tenses up.

It be dead silent, only noise being the bubbling water and flicker of flames. Tension is high. When Jinx walked closer to the fire it becomes visible that they were tapping the tips of there fingers together.

Pressing her hands together she takes a deep breath. "This was a mistake..."

"Ya, No KIDDING!" Ace angrily says.

"Dude shut up! She's the only one that can get us down!!!" Sabo whisper shouts to Ace.

"And this is why top hat kid's my favorite, he uses his brain." Jinx's chuckle to herself.

"Fuck you!" Ace shouts.

"Sorry, we don't know each other enough for that." The masked child mused, trying to piss him off.

Ace then proceeds to scream in anger, thrashing in his bindings causing both of them to swing back and forth. Which started to make Sabo nashus.

"Bro, calm down! I was messing with you! If you thrash around like that the ropes gonna SNAP!!!" Jinx screeched.

Moving quickly Jinx's Grabbed some nearby planks and put it over the calderon. Getting on the boards, she grabbed hold of the rope and stopped them from swaying.

Sighing in relief said child reached down to there shoe and pulled out a thin knife. Slowly cutting them loose, making sure not to nick them.

Once loose Ace instantly attacked Jinx, knocking them both off the calderon and onto the dirt floor. Rolling around on the floor, Sabo stares blankly at them.

"I'm FRICKING armed and you attack me!? How stupid are you?!?" Jinx stated from the dust they'd kicked up.

"I'm gonna kick you ass!!" Ace retorted.

Sabo calmly got off the calderon, walked over to Lad (who was on a stump nearby) and sat next to them watching the cauose unfold.

A sharp intake of breath is herd, flowed by weasing. Calmly walking away, Jinx walked over to Sabo.

"You should probably help you buddy over there before he throws up. I've over used my welcome card so I'll be taking my leave, sorry for all the trouble." Sabo looking behind her seeing Ace groveling on the ground covering his groin, quickly walking over to help him.

Jinx's POV:

Going over to my satchel, I pick it up, put Lad on top of it and slip the knife back into my shoe. Looking back over to Ace "dieing" on the ground, I see him giving me a death glare, flipping him off I grab my makeshift bundle of metal and walk away.


Well I'm lost, I didn't really pay attention to were I set this all up and it being night doesn't help either. To be honest I don't really know what just happened or how I set that hole thing up. I mainly remember getting pissed off, what's up with the blanking out all of a sudden? This is like the second time...

Jumping onto a tree I try and get a better view of my surroundings. It looks like I'm outside of the Goa kingdom, maybe somewhere closer to the mountains. This is a pain, I'm just gonna find a comfortable tree and sleep in it, screw the consequences!

(N/A Sorry this chapter took so long to get out, life stuff. Thanks for 3k+ reads!! If we can get to 5k I'll do a q&a. I appreciate all the support!!)

Word count: 786

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