Where Am I???

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This chapter contains mentions of assault, rape and slavery. You have been warned.

Chapter 25

Jinx's POV:

Why is it dark??? I clearly remember falling asleep in a tree, wtf am I?!? I've learned my lesson, never sleep in trees, you never wake up in the same place. OW, I forgot haki exists, ok universe, were am I...



Whoever did this will pay, with interest. No one harm's the Lad. I need to figure out my exact location before any of that can happen though... I'm in the grand line. I'M IN THE GRAND LINE???

What happened when I was asleep???

From what I can tell I've been bound by rope to a wooden post with a bag over my head, this is cliche. I give them one star. Am I on a slave ship? There's allot of people around me... Well this ship's never gonna reach it's destination.

Everyone in this room seems to have a week willpower so it should be fairly easy to escape. Is Lad on the ship...? Nope don't sense them.

Silently undoing the binds on my wrists I start to mentally map out my surroundings. It smells bad in here, like death. The door that leads to the deck isn't far from my current location.

Finally slipping the rope of my wrists, I slowly move my hand to the base of my shoe. Taking out the hidden knife, I carfaly move the blade to the rope around my neck and cut it.

Taking the bag off my head I finally get a good look at my surroundings, well as good a look you can get in a dark room. I almost throw up.

There's at lest 24 other people in here, all female. Assumption of ages 9 to 13. All wearing trashy clothes that reveal hickeys covering there body's...

I'm going to kill everyone one this ship.

I slowly get up, knife in hand. I carefully walk over to the closets child. Bending down to her level, she doesn't even look up at me...

Without hesitation I start to quietly cut them all lose, some don't even seem to notice. Walking over to one of the few responsive one's, I help her up.

She looks up at me when I gently help her up and recoils slightly in fear, guess they removed my mask.

"Are you ok?" I ask softly.

She looks at the ground, grabbing her arm and squeezing it.

I hug her.

She cried.

After about 10 minutes she calmed down and quietly said thank you.

"Can you take care of the others while I get us all a way out?" She looked at me with puffy eye's and nodded.

She starts to help some of the other kid's when I walked to the door, locked. I bite the handle off and open the door, spitting the handle on the ground.

Using observation haki, I locate all the other ship occupants...

Let's just say no one made it out alive.

I hate celestial dragon's.

Setting up one of the mini ship's they had with supplies, I walk back down to the room were everyone is located. Carefully pushing open the door, I see some of them huddled in the corner and the one I helped holding a wooden plank ready to swing. She dropped it when she recognized me.

"Let's leave." I smile at them.

A sob escapes her throat, followed by another. The other kids also start crying, some are hugging me.

After everyone got that out of there system, I lead them to the ship I claimed making sure they didn't see any of the body's. There are allot of things I'll watch people do blankly, but hurting kid's like this pisses me off.

After double checking that, I stole- ahem put everything to good use and everyone was ready to go I let the small ship hit the water. It wasn't the biggest but it'd do for now, especially after I get rid of the celestial dragon marks on it.

Getting everyone on deck I pull out a giant map I took from the ship of all 4 blues and the grand line. Taking out 24 gold coins I tell them to put there coin on there island... Only 7 knew which island they lived on. So I have 16 kids that don't know were they live, what to do...

FRICK! I forgot about LAD!!!

Word count: 755

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