I'm Definitely Not Suspicious...

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(N/A Thanks for 200+ reads!)

Chapter 12

Jinx's POV:

My danger sense has been going crazy the last 2 day's and it's been wigging me out, let's just say I'm a little paranoid... Allot paranoid.

I mean, I don't think it's Garp but then again... It's probably Garp. I've seen him around quiet a bit, like the library, mess hall and hallways. I think he's really cool, but I also don't want to go near him.

If my information is correct, they've almost exterminated or captured all the pirates that have been causing trouble. So Garp-san should be leaving in the next couple days, but if universe hates me and I know it does, he'll probably try to take me with him, but I don't think Hideyosi would let him.

But I'd probably take him up on that offer if I'm being completely honest, he's strong and knows how to use haki. But I don't wanna mess with the storyline yet... Is should be fine, it's not like he's going to make me watch baby Luffy. How olds Luffy right now, one? It will be fine. (N/A She says before it all goes wrong.)

It's about 6 pm right now, and I was going to go to the library. Key word, was. As I was making my way, I start hearing allot of cheering and celebrating. What in the name of dino nuggets is going on?

Making my way to the commotion, (wich was happening in the courtyard) I see basically all the marines on this island drinking and celebrating.

"It's like looking upon a sea of unsupervised, drunk toddlers..." I mumble to myself sweat dropping, sadly I was heard by someone.

"Bwahahahaha, your killing me kid!" Ow nu, I know that laugh...

As I turn to look at the person who spoke, they abruptly start patting me on the shoulder.

"Garp-san!...um..." At my unsure response he laughs again but harder.

"Hey kid, are ya planning on becoming a marine?" *insert dieing noises* why...

"I'm not sure if I want to be a marine, but I do know I wanna punch bad guys in the face (or something similar)!" Please be ok with the answer, please be ok with the answer!

"Bwahahaha! I'm sure you'll do grate!" And he's patting my shoulder again...

"Thanks Garp-san!" He's the 2nd person in this world to encourage me... No! Don't get attached, you have to probably fight him later.

Then Garp-san left, probably to drink alcoholic beverages. I'm getting my camera, I managed to make a working one about a week ago. So I'm gonna get some blackmail, and funny video to laugh at later. There already getting hammered so I don't think anyone will notice.

The next day I was going over the video I recorded and trying not to laugh. It was beautiful. Garp somehow managed to send 23 people to the infirmary, and I got it on tape!

Putting the tape away, I start my trek to get breakfast. It's still kinda messy from yesterday and almost everyone has a hangover. So to my pleaser, the line for food was basically non-existent.

After breakfast I do my normal routine. Going to the library, going through there file's and listening to the recorders I've setup around the marine base with ear buds. That's my morning routine anyway.

The thing I wasn't expecting was that while I was zoned out, someone would pick me up by the back collar of my shirt. That someone was Garp. I'm... I just cant be surprised at this point.

"Hu? Garp-san!? Put me down!" Closing and dropping what I was reading, I start to try to wiggle out his grasp.

"Pack your bags kid, were leaving." He said with a stupid smile.

"What?!? Did you get Hideyosi to agree to this when he was drunk?!" I said with wide eye's. This is gonna mess with my plan!

"Yep, and now it's official! We leave in 2 hours." And with that he carried me out the library and down to my room. Then left me infront my door... Why?!

(N/A Sorry this is a short chapter, I just wanted to leave off on a cliffhanger. I hope your enjoying the book though!)

Word count: 718

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