Do You Have Two Hands?

497 32 5

Chapter 36

(A/N Sorry it took so long to update! I was stuck on what to do for the chapter but I think it turned out alright. Thanks for all the support!)

Jinx's POV:

How did it get to this? The FUCKING Dark King is helping me make a raft. What has my life come to? "*screech*"

"What was that?" Rayleigh said looking up from the raft we've been constructing.

"Sorry, my brain just processed what happened." He give me a confused look.

"But we've been working on this raft for hours."

"Ya, it's just hard to process that I've been stuck on this island for a year. And that the person helping my disabled ass make a raft is the Dark King himself, Silvers fucking Rayleigh." I say dramatically like the world is ending.

Finishing up my rant, this jerk has the audacity to burst out laughing! "It's not funny!"

He continues laughing so I pick up a nearby rock and chuck it at him, but he tilts his head just enough so it missed. "Oh come on! Now that's not even fare."

As he starts to laugh harder I get up, turn around and walk back twords the shore. I still haven't eaten anything today and he's being a total jerk. Of course my first human contact in like a year has to be some asshole that laughs at my pain! Lad already does that. I don't need a another one!!

"Were are you going?" A plethora of colourful words come flying out of my mouth as I lost balance and start to fall backwards.

Feeling something grab my shirt, I look up only to make eye contact with Rayleigh. "I shiver to imagine how fast you were in your prime." I say with a blank stare.

"Hey, I'm still in my prime." He retorts with a smile.

Getting back to my feet and dusting my self off I notice he's still got a hold of my shirt. "What?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Is this made out of scales?" ... I have no funny retort for this.

"Yes? What's wrong with that?" Sus.

"Nothing, it just doesn't look like it at first glance." He releases my shirt and walks back towards the raft.

What the fuck was that? Sighing I look at the sky to get a good jug of time. "Burnt dino nuggets!" I screech out.

Completely forgetting about the food dilemma I rush back towards the cabin. "What's wrong?" Rayleigh asks confused as I run past him.

"God dam Murder BEE'S!" I yell picking up speed.

Getting to the outside of my cabin I come to a abrupt stop. Quickly heading twords the big fire pit I start to prepare the kindling. Going to pick up two stones to start the fire, I realized I don't have my prosthetic on. Shit.

"What's happening? And what are murder bee's?" Rayleigh said in a calm manner contrasting my frazzled state.

Abruptly giving him two stones, I rush into my cabin. "Start the fire!" A say with a harsh tone.

Stumbling over to were I put my crappy prosthetic hand, I put it on as quick as I can without damaging it. Looking out the door I see the sun just about to set. "Holy pumpkin bread that was close." I heave out in relief.

"Sorry about my random panic." I say sheepishly walking over to Rayleigh who started up the fire.

"So, what are these murder bee's you were so panicked about?" He said looking in my direction.

"Well, whenever night falls these bee like insects fly around the island. I call them murder bee's because I've seen them swarm a boar and leave nothing behind. The reason I haven't exterminated them yet is that they pollinate the island and keep the boar population down so there's enough resources to go around, at least that's what I assume from how they've targeted me." I state in a mater-of-factly tone.

He gives me a confused look. "How are you alive?"

I give a bright smile take a deep breath and. "I don't know!" I say cheerfully.

"I'm still kickin, should of died from blood loss or got a infection but hey! I still get to annoy people." I say like it's the best thing ever.

A chuckle erupts from Rayleigh's throat. "That great!" He stated chuckle turning into laughter.

"Yep. My life is definitely, definitely hilarious." I say in a defeated tone, plopping myself down crisscross applesauce hand in your spaghetti sauce stile near Rayleigh.

"Got anything to eat?" My head snaps towards this bastard.

"Ow, I don't know. It's definitely very easy to gather food on this island. Not like I've been living off of grubs, fish and whatever I find that's not poisonous. The first one I'm not very proud of but you know, not dieing is nice." I say with cold eyes keeping direct eye contact with this man.

Silence fills the air, well excluding the thousands of insect wings buzzing in the distance. Just eye contact. Neither of us willing to give in.

"You smell like rotting fish."

"What the fuck?!?"

Word count: 832

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