Well... This is Sad

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Chapter 4

3rd POV:

"Come on Smoker!" A blond child is seen dragging an older boy through town.

"Were are we going? You randomly grabbed my arm and now you're dragging me to god knows were." Smoker said in a huff.

"I wanted you to help me choose." The small girl stopped and looked up a the taller male.

"Choose what??"

"A pastry from the shop in town." She said pointing to a nearby sweets shop.

"Why would I need to be here for that?" A sceptical look on his face.

"Ow right! I forgot to tell you. Today's my birthday! I wanted you to help me choose something to split as celebration." She then continued to drag the poor boy into the shop.

Jinx's POV:

HA, Smoker looks so dead right now. I could almost mistake him as one of the zombis that lost all there money shopping for there gold digger girlfriend. It's only been 3 days since we officially became friends, this is the first time I've dragged him anywhere and he already looks dead. It's not like I'm taking him shopping! Gosh. <(°'^´°)>

Entering the shop I let go of him and start looking at all the sweets. The things that manly caught my attention was an eclair and 2 cookies. I look at Smoker to see if anything caught his eye two. I see him eyeing the doughnut section, chocolate... Good choices.

"Which one do you want?" I said out of nowhere, wich cought him off guard.

"What?" He looked so lost...

"Which one do you want?" I said pointing at the doughnuts displayed.

"Hu, ow. No you can choose, it's your birthday after all." He turned his head to look out the shop window.

Boy, I'm trying to be nice to you. Let me be nice to you. I walk up to the cashier.

"Excuse me, but could I get one of the chocolate frosted doughnuts?" They nod and go over to grab one.

"That will be 15 berries." I give the cashier 15 berries and take the bagged doughnut.

"Thank you!" I said flashing a bright smile that shows my sharp teeth in all there glory. Which in turn makes the cashier get nervous. So I grab Smoker and get out of there, I don't like to make people uncomfortable.

"Ok, before you go back to whatever you were doing. Here." I open the bag and take out the doughnut, then rip it in half as evenly as I can. Shoving a half into his mouth.

"Farewell." I then awkwardly run away into a nearby alleyway like that rat I am, now to find a good place to eat my half.

Smokers POV:

That was odd. I have no idea how a 4 (3) year-old knows the layout of this town so well. I take the doughnut half out of my mouth and eating it. Then turning I start to head to my original destination, my house. Pirates have been ravaging this town, made it their hangout spot before heading to the grand line. I'm going to change that when I become a marine.

Walking back to my house I see another group of pirates looting the docks. This pisses me off. I grab a conveniently placed branch and scope out the area to see if they got anyone tied up. They do so I start sneaking my way over there.

Jinx's POV:

I've decided on a spot to eat my doughnut half. It's around 6 or 7 pm so the sky is starting to get all colorful. So obviously i chose to enjoy my b-day treat by the docks. Out of sight of course. What am I, An idiot? Don't answer that.

Munching on my doughnut, I look down to see Smoker freeing chaptered civilians. Wait... WHAT!?! Bro, I need to get closer, I can make a distraction or back him up if he gets caught... Making a distraction is safer for the civilians and Smoker. I offer my self a tribute!

"HEY DUMBASS!" I through a rock at what I assume to be Captain of these lowlifes.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!?" Says the no name Captain that will most likely die before reaching there first island on the grand line.

I do a raspberry at them, turn and run as fast as I can. I might have short legs but I know this town like the back of my hand. I also hear that dumb Captain yelling at his crew to go get me. This is gonna be fun!

After about 5 minutes one of them almost picks me up but I side step him and hiss like a cat. He looks so confused my god, where's a camera when you need one. Then I continue to weave through alleyways till I lose them 10 minutes later. Time to find Smoker and see if his plan was successful.

So I found Smoker 15 minutes later and now he's berating me for causing a distraction. HE EVEN HIT ME ON THE HEAD! I'm just sitting on the ground looking sad and waiting for him to Finnish.

"Do you understand that YOU COULD HAVE DIED?!?" I can feel the disappointment radiating off of him.

"But I didn't." I said like that I should of left you on that curb vine.

"That's not the point, you have little to no fighting experience. Your just a kid." I give him a look that screams your a kid to.

"Then teach me." I say with vigor.


"Teach me how to fight. If you don't want me to get hurt, teach me how to defend myself." He give me a look saying 'you want me to do what?'.

"I can't teach you."

"Why not? I've seen you fight before, you pretty good. Can't you at lest teach me the basics?"

The looks me in the eyes for a while. I took it as a starring contest and refused to blink. Then he blinked and sighed in defeat. YES, Victory is MINE!

"Fine, I'll teach you the basics of fighting. But just cuz your like 4 dose not mean I'm not going to go easy on you." He said that so seriously, I can't.

"Okie dokie senpai." I do a two finger salute as well.

"Please never call me that again." Smoker says sweat dropping.

"No, I'm gonna call you senpai from now on." I give him a shit eating grin and run for the hills with him angrily shouting after me. This is gonna be fun.

Word count: 1095

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