Baby life

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Chapter 1

June's POV:

Ok, I might of made a mistake there. I don't appreciate being held and not really being able to do anything.

It's been about a week sense I did the 'I wish to be in one piece' thing. And I already finished the existential crises, but I can still complain about being a baby. Silently... I can't talk and it sucks.

The only good thing is I recognize what's happening around me. Because I wrote about it, and im not looking forward to what's going to happen in the next 5 to 6 years.

I'm the OC I made for one piece. Normally that would be fine for other people, but I gave this child a really bad childhood.

The only thing special about... Me I guess? Is that I'm going to have really sharp teeth as well as be able to mimic sounds and voices. I didn't even give myself a devil fruit.

Now that would be fine and dandy if the family I now have was normal. But there very superstitious, so their going to believe me to be a demon child. And try to kill me!

But I should be fine till my teeth start to grow in. I need to start to work this chubby baby body if I'm going to escape this hellhole in the future.

If I remember the main part of my new found childhood is I will be ignored for about 5 years and shunned by my family. Then one night they try to decapitate me only to fail, mutilate my mouth and then I running away.

Now I would leave before that but its important that I have it happen for battle in the future. Plus I can use it to get people to fell bad for me, nothing more powerful then a tragic backstory.

I starts kicking my little baby legs and wiggling my arms for the next 18 minutes... I'm an infant, I can't even sit up yet what you expect. And repeat doing the same thing for as long as I can everyday for the next 6 months.

This is going to be a pain in the ass.


Its been about 5 months since I've come to this world and my teething as just started. So my mouth is irritated all the time, I'm in pain. But my parental units did give me a teething toy so it not all that bad.

I have been working on trying to sit up and have been partly successful in doing so. I never really gave a place to were this OC would be born but it looks like its in LougeTown, 1 year after Gol D. Roger was executed. Of course I'm not gonna be here when Luffy comes through though.

My plan is to meet them at water 7 on the grand line, I know it's going to be a pain in the butt to get to the grand line but it will make it easier for me to find someone to teach me haki and level up faster.

Being a baby is not as bad as I originally thought, it's just really boring. But I do get to annoy people without reproductions, so I'm not one to complain. My parents have brought me outside a couple times to go to the market, it's really cool seeing everything in person then through a screen. I even spotted the exaction platform in the town square!


After 7 months I've finally reached the crawling stage, my teeth are also coming in so my parents have been freaking out for about a week since the full tooth came in. Its sad really if I'm being completely honest, they were cool parents but now there acting as if I'm trying to kill them when I'm in close proximity to them.

Since I'm able to crawl now I've been looking at the books in my parents house. It looks like my father makes maps of water currants for fishing. I'm gonna have to steal this later when I leave.

I also have located a map of the town with all the shop information on it. It says there's a dojo not far from my house that I can attend in the future.

My plans for now are to continue exersizeing my baby body till I can do more than crawl and sit up! And how to kill Blackbeard before he gets to powerful. Prioritys.

Word count: 745

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