Veggie Outage

670 37 4

(A/N Don't own the image. Sorry it took so long to post.)

Chapter 30

Jinx's POV:

It's been 5 months since that hole fiasco, Lad successfully made everyone on the ship think I was delirious. Whenever I talked to Lad I'd get weird looks from the other kid's, which he laughs at maniacally. It got annoying really fast in all honesty.

The mission to get all the children back to there home's has been successful for the most part. I'm still stuck with all the kid's that don't know the name of there island. Well, Ami knows the name of her island but wanted to stay. It's called I get a free extra set of hands and she knows more about working a ship then I do.

Today were going on a supply run to a island near by, we ran out of vegetables because SOMEONE has an addiction. I'm gonna get jalapenos, just something spicy to get revenge. Calling me a rat, only I'm aloud to do that!

After docking at the island I scurry away from my... Accomplices? I'll figure it out later. But what's important is that this island has a sushi restaurant and I could use that in my life right now.

Luckily I have fun money for this, if Ami finds me I'm screwed so I gotta be sneaky, sneaky like a snake. Walking through the back alleys of town and narrowly avoid being spotted, I reach the desired location.

I've been to this island before when Garp-sama dragged me on one of his missions, the fish here is really good quality so I'm glad it was nearby. I guess the restaurant doubles as a bar but that's not important.

Entering the bar thing all inconspicuous like, by that I just walked under the noren like a normal person. The hole place was about 2 feet in the ground so I had to go down some steps.

Looking around the place was fairly empty, it didn't have anyone note worthy so I just walked over to the counter thing and took a seat. After tapping my hands on the table for a bit a worker came over to take my order. To be completely honest the guy look confused as to why a eleven year old was in a bar.

"What can I get you?" The worker asked.

"Sushi." I say like the small demon I am (when you make your voice sound demonic).

The worker give me a look of concern and fear, "um... We, we don't serve that here..." They say nervously.

"What!? But last time I came here this place sold sushi!" I just want sushi man, come on.

The worker gives me a blank stare, "This place came over new management recently and stopped selling food." That's dumb.

Well I'm bummed, I just wanted the godsent food that is sushi and I've been denied. After recovering from the initial shock of not getting the thing I sought after, I sulked my way to the door like a deflated balloon.

What's up with not selling food anymore? That was a main factor in the place making berries! Idiots. Well my day has been ruined, I was really looking forward to having some high quality sushi. Whenever I make it the thing doesn't turn out the way I want it (has flashback to the kitchen catching on fire somehow).

Walking over to a bench nearby, I sit down to reflect on were it all went wrong, also food.

"Wait... I'M NOT LACTOSE INTOLERANT ANYMORE!!" Realizing this highly important fact I go to find a ice cream parlor.

On my way to find one completely oblivious to the killer intent directed at me, I feel a strong grip on my shoulder. Sweating bullets, I slowly turn around to come face to face with a pissed off Ami. A small part of me dies.

"Where have you been? Everybody's been worried about you." She says with a cold tone.

A tear forms in my eye, "Please don't hurt me." I'm to young to die!

"It's to late for that, come with me peacefully and you'll only get a lecture." Ami said forming her free hand into a fist.

I speedily nod in agreement.

Word count: 706

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