Suma Suma no Mi

864 40 2

(N/A I don't own the image. I'll post the Q&A in about a week. \(· - ·)/ )

Chapter 28

-----Flashback -----
|Two And a Half Weeks Ago|

-----On Dawn Island-----

3rd POV:

In the woods by Goa Kingdom a thud is heard, followed by loud snoring. This in turn wakes up a small Den Den Mushi.

Rolling out of the tree and landing on a cluster of moss, the little creates eye stocks poke out of its yellow shell. Head fully emerging from the shell, the small creature looks around.

Spotting there midget human companion, the snail is pleasantly surprised to see them completely uninjured after falling 15 feet out of a tree. A snapping sound is heard from nearby startling the small creature causing it to tuck back into it's shell.

"I swear I herd a thud over here." A male voice sounds close by.

"If it turns out to be nothing and you get us in trouble, I'll personally see you to Davey Jones's locker!" A slightly higher pitched bratty voice follows.

Stepping through the foliage, the two people catch sight of the snoring child passed out on the floor. The older of the two approaches the unconscious midget, getting startled seeing there face. Not far above the unconscious body a wight mask is spotted swaying in the wind.

"What the Fuck happened to them!?" He screeched.

"What a disgusting face." The brat says getting a better look at them.

The elder of the two snoops around while the younger hovers over the unconscious body (pedo vibes). Crouching down, he runs the tip of his finger on the edge of one of her teeth. Well... At least he tried to, but instantly lost the tip of his finger... Which started to bleed heavily, and now there screaming bloody murder.

Even throughout this bitches crying the unconscious child didn't wake up, only coughing up the fingertip, which hit the brat in the face making him scream louder. The older one trying to calm the baster down the hole time.

"I-I can't believe this! This bitch must pay for injuring me!!!" The brat waled even though it was his own god dam fault.

"Brother calm yourself." The brats babysitter said calmly.

"Calm myself? Calm myself!? This heathen has committed a crime against the Kikuchi household!!" After the idiotic word's left the brats mouth a hard slap is delivered to his face by his elder brother.

The shock of having his brother hit him caused him to fall into the ground gasping like a fish. "You are what's disgraceful to the Kikuchi household. Were done here."

Grabbing his disheveled younger brother by the arm, he walking away harshly hanking his brother with him. Leaving the area he accidentally kicks something, the thing rolling to a stop nearby.

Loosening his grip on his little brother, he approaches the odd object. Completely letting go of his brothers arm, he picks up the thing he kicked, recognizing it as a Den Den Mushi hiding in it's shell.

"That's odd..." The younger stays silent not wanting to upset his elder brother further.

Deciding to take the snail with him, he grabs his brother again and heads back home to Goa kingdom.

-----2 Hours Later-----

Entering the household of Kikuchi, the Den Den Mushi is set on a table by the elder boy that snatched them. Timidly poking there eye stocks out, they carefully look around the room.

"Are you hungry?" The sudden noise surprises the creature, causing it to hide in it's shell again.

"Don't be scared, I'm sorry for kicking you." The male sitting in a chair behind the snail said.

The snail cautiously poked it's eye stocks out once again to look at the male. He had a nice smile but this creature knew deadly things could hide behind nice ones, for they had experienced it before.

"I'll go snag something for you, be right back!" Hastily getting up from the chair he rushed somewhere else in the home, leaving the room void of people.

The snail quickly growing bord and decided to look around the room, it was very lavish with expensive objects located in various places. The main thing that caught there attention was a big painting of a family, which the snail assumed to be the Kikuchi's. They looked nice, but from the younger male's behavior earlier, they might not be the nicest people.

Shortly after, the male that went to fetch food for the snail returned carrying a crate of fruits. Setting it down on the table he starts to pick through it for a nice one.

The snail watching his movements, notices him pick up an odd looking fruit. The male takes it out of the crate to get a better look at it, also being baffled as to what type it was.

"Wanna try it?" He asked looking at the snail, who stares blankly back.

"My dad gets all types of exotic fruits imported from other islands, so this one probably got mixed into the apples by mistake." He's says to the snail that act's like it doesn't understand him.

Taking a switchblade out of his pocket, he cuts the odd fruit into even slices. Putting a couple infront of the kidnapped snail, it takes a bite out of it and gagging immediately. The fruit was the worst thing either will ever taste... Probably.

Word count: 899

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