What Did You Say???

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Chapter 31

3rd POV:

A gun shot rings out. The blonde child looks at the gun holder with a smirk, a crimson liquid dying her mask. Holding her side she coughs up more of the stuff, eyes rolling to the back of her head.

The girl collapsing to the ground cases onlookers to go pale. A blood curdling scream echoes throughout the street as a onlooker faints. A small group of marines quickly arrive at the seen holding the armed pirate at gunpoint. During the chaos that speedily followed, the shot child quietly gets up and flees with there compatriots.

Jinx's POV:

"And that is how you fake your death." I say with a dopy smile on my face.

"That was crazy! We got at least 700 berri." Kita said looking through the wallets we snagged.

"Mom's gonna kill us when she finds out!" Yuki said still high off adrenaline.

Pausing for a moment I give a confused look to my fellow law breaker, "Who?"

"Ami." She said like it was obvious.

"Why did you call her mom???" Did I miss something?

My 2 partners in crime give each other a look. I saved there asses from what could be described as hell and there keeping secrets from me? Unbelievable.

"Well sense we have this weird family unit going on, we as a group decided to appoint Ami as mom." Yuki said scratching her neck.

"When did this happen?" Why are these guys so weird?

"Like the 2nd week on the ship." That long ago??

"Why am I finding this out now?"

"Well, we weren't supposed to tell you." Kita said in a matter of face tone.

"Why???" This is dumb.

They give me a dark smile, "You'll never find out," they say in unison.

As they turn tail and run back to the ship I let out a tried sigh. Taking the packet of fake blood out of my mouth, I yeet it into a nearby garbage can. Getting up from the floor I also remove the sheet of metal from under my shirt and put it in my bag.

"Time to wash this before it stains." I mumble under my breath making my way to a stream outside of town.

I don't have to many good masks left, gotta take care of the few I have right? We've been at this town for about a week to repair the ship. A nasty storm hit us not that long ago right before we entered the calm belt heading to south blue. Nothing serious happened but it did damage the coat of sea stone on the bottom of the ship, almost died so we won't be crossing the calm belt anytime soon.

The only problem with getting repairs is it costs a lot of money, so I got some of the brats to help me rob the pirates that come to the local bar. That also includes onlookers that like to gawk at the incidents that occur there.

Sure it's not the greatest method but it's the best thing I could think of after no one would hire us. We were only a little short on the needed berries anyway so it's nothing horrible, and after that little show we should have enough to replace the damaged boards. Things do be looking up.

"Aw fridge!" My shirt got stained! Amis gonna kill me when she sees this, we don't have enough to spend on non essential items.

"At least it's not super noticeable..." Heaving out another sigh, I stand up and instantly get hit on the head.

"S-shit!" I subconsciously stutter out grasping my head.

"That was for being dumb." Recognizing the voice to be Ami's is both relieving and horrifying at the same time.

Feeling something cover my eyes makes me pull away. "Oi! Sit still, this is for the surprise and thank you." I hear Haru grumble.

"Ami? what in the world!? This is mutiny!!" I said dramatically like they were pulling a gun on me.

"Shut up you drama queen." She breathed out, helping me up after she secured the knot.

"Haru, can you take the long way back? I want to make sure everything's ready."

I guess Haru gave Ami a thumbs up or something cuz next thing I know I'm getting dragged in a random direction. Is this a plot to get rid of my dumb ass, are they gonna ditch me?

After about 10 minutes of walking, Haru stops suddenly and me being blinded causes me to fall on my face.

"Can I take off my blindfold yet?" I'm tired of this shit.

"I don't know, can you?" Frickin smart ass.

Reaching up to remove said blindfold I get my hand slapped away, "That was rhetorical question, dumb ass."

Sighing for what felt like the hundredth time today, I get up and let Haru lead my to this so called 'surprise'. If this is another one of Ami's weird punishments I'm gonna... Well, I guess it be on me.

After another 15 minutes of walking Haru tells me I can take the blindfold off, "If this turns out to be a cliff so you can kill me..." I grumble out messing this the knot.

Haru let's out a laugh as I finally get the knot undone, Amis really good at tying knots.

"HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!" I get confetti blasted in my face as soon as I remove the peace of fabric.

Standing there in shock like a idiot, Kita grabs my hand and leads me to the head of the table they set up. Has it really been a year already?

"Why are you crying?" Reaching up to touch my face I feel water leak from my eye's.

"Na, I just can't believe I've spent a entire year with you dumb asses." I say smiling.

Kita punched my shoulder and stomped away to a open seat, "A toast to Birdy, for staying alive this long."

Everyone at the table lifts there cups into the air smiling, "Jerks," I mutter picking up my cup, turning a little red.

I can't believe they went through all the trouble... "How about a picture?" I say reaching into my bag to retrieve my camera.


Twords the end of the day when the party was wrapping up, I was sitting next to Ami drinking some of the remaining juice. "That was a lot."

"Well aren't you blunt." Ami chucked out.

"Did you know they call you mom?" I ask chugging the last of the juice.

She laughed, "Ya, did you know they call you dad?"

This causes me choke on my juice, making me spit it out coughing. Much to Amis amusement.

(A/N Sorry it took so long to post, life happened and I got a bad case of righters block. I hope you found the chapter funny! Also some other pictures Jinx has stored away some were.)

Word count: 1155

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Word count: 1155

Why Did I do This to Myself?!? (One Piece Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now