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Not a Chapter

I was only asked one question, but that's fine because it made me happy.

Yusha-hime question "Who are the love interest?" Is a little difficult to pinpoint.

My plan is for the story to be platonic, the reason for this is the character is gonna be highly traumatized. The surface has only been scratched by all the horrible thing I have planed.

As for the people they'll form relationships with, I don't know. Well I guess I do know but it's no fun spilling it now. The way this story is being written is by me writing how I think characters would react to things, but I do have bullet points that will happen. The rest is just whatever my brain vomits, so most things are happy little antecedents.

It's kinda like the drum island arc, most things in there just kinda worked out and made something great. I am open to ideas if you guy's are willing to share!

But one thing on the characters interactions with the OC, the OC will not be given a buffer to make the character what to be friend's with them. It's literally there dorky charm that has gotten them this far, the only buffer they have is they won't die. They'll get close to death but will inevitably will survive, it's a pain for them but gives me more to work with.

I'm glad people are enjoying my story! Please continue to comment it makes me happy to read them. If you guy's would like a special let me know, I got some non-canon stuff I think would be funny.

Thanks for getting us to 5k+ reads!

Word count: 283

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