Learning to trust

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"She's 27." Carol and June had bonded over some heavy shit, both of them victims of abuse and both of them wanting to shield Sophia from it. Which was why, other than her brothers, Carol was the ONLY person in camp that knew things like how old June was.

"Right so... why do her brothers control her every move?"

"I have a theory."

"Yeah and I know what it is." Lori shot back, giving Shane her best death glare "If you know what's good for you, you'll keep it to yourself."

"I'm just..."

"Not. Another. Word."



The brothers had been with the group for a few weeks now and while both Sam and Dean wondered what Shane's theory was, neither of them asked him anymore about it. June had tried going back to sticking with her brothers but there was something about Dean that had her finding excuses to be around him, things Merle and Daryl wouldn't complain about.

"I'm gonna go help Dean chop some wood. We're runnin a bit low and Lori said I could take half for helpin."


Daryl managed to hide his smirk, knowing damn well what his sister was up to. He'd watched Dean with her and could tell the crush wasn't one sided, the oldest Winchester was pretty taken with the only Dixon girl. It was why he'd started covering for June whenever Merle got his panties in a twist and why he was trying to get to know the kid, well... sort of. He would help Dean work on some of the cars, usually the RV, still his normal gruff self but attempting to be less of a dick. He'd ask him questions here and there to figure out what kind of man was hanging around his baby sister and so far there hadn't been any major red flags. Merle though... Merle was back to using pretty regularly and was going between high highs and low lows. He'd started back up picking fights with Shane and while that took the focus off her crush, it was causing problems in camp.


"Hold up a second." She'd only just turned around when she stopped and looked at him, worry clouding her features when she noticed something hiding behind his eyes. "I uh... I'm takin Merle huntin for a few days. He's been drivin everyone nuts lately and I think it best ta put space between him and the others."

"Alright, when are we goin?"

"I was actually thinkin you should stay here. I already talked ta Carol and she said she'd keep an eye on ya."

"I'm 27 Daryl, I don't need a babysitter."

"No but it'll put my mind at ease knowin someone's around if ya need somethin."

"You're really gonna let me stay behind?"


It was a big step for her brother, hell it was a big one for her as well. Since she was old enough to remember it had always been her and Daryl, especially when Merle wasn't there. Daryl was her unspoken protector, the ever present big brother and she knew damn well this wasn't easy for him to do... leaving her without him. She went over and put her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek for good measure, a moment of genuine of affection between siblings.

"Thank you Daryl."

"You'll be careful? Remember what we taught ya about fightin, just in case."

"I will and I do. Ya ain't got nothin ta worry about."

"I dunno about that." He grinned, looking over her shoulder and nodding toward Dean. "I think he's sweet on you"

"and with that I'm gonna go."

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