"Um..well don't think much about this. I'm just uh.. experimenting something...for school project", I lied grinning.

God knows she can't afford another heart attack.

She narrowed down her eyes at me suspiciously and then rolled her eyes shaking her head as she went back to doing what she was doing.

"Back atcha bitch", I scoffed as I climb inside my room.

Now normally I would respect old people. I really would. But not her. She is a very annoying little person. Always complaining about something or the other.

She's got a problem with everyone except her oh so precious lovely little dog and cat who might I add are worse than her.

Anyway I look around my room and smiled wide looking at the same mess I always keep my room in.

Clothes, books, papers, shoes everything could be found at every corner of the room.

Even though Dad is the cleanliness ambassador of this planet, he doesn't get into my room because he knows he'll probably have nightmares later. He just scolds me to keep it clean once in a while.

Grace has given up entirely since I end up littering my room within an hour or so of cleaning it. She says it's like talking to a wall.

I walk past all my stuff and plop down on my bed feeling the exhaustion of the journey. My body was no way going to get up even if my brain commanded it to do so.

Deciding to deal with my problems later I fell asleep. This is probably the quickest I have slept.

Rowan's POV:

"Bye guys", Landon smiled and waved at us.

We wave back and he leaves soon after Leah does.

"Even I'm leaving. Gonna go have a pizza. I'm hungry", Harry pouts rubbing his stomach.

We all laughed. I shake my head at him.

"God I've missed your drama. It's good to have you back buddy", I smiled putting my hand out for him to shake.

"Oh it's great to be back Rowan", He grinned shaking my hand.

Owen smiled widely. I knew he's been missing his father like crazy so I was really happy for him.

"I have tons of stuff to talk to you about, but I understand you're tired and definitely need some rest so go ahead and we'll talk later", I smile.

"Yup not going anywhere anytime soon anyway. LA is my new humble abode", Harry snickers.

We all chuckled and soon Owen and Harry left the base as well.

I turn and smile happily looking at my sons.

"Let's go home. Our home", I said softly.

Those words meant the world to my kids. Why wouldn't it? After all this is what every Kingston is dreaming about.

"Lets goooooo!", Troy sprinted away somewhere.

"What are we waiting for!!!", Chase jumped excitedly and ran away after him.

We four look at the direction those two just went in and shake our head chuckling.

"Seriously where did they go?", Theo raised his eyebrows.

"Seems like some of us have plans to go back to the mansion on foot", Emmett joked.

I laughed. Theo chuckled.

"I'll go get those two before they run into a full on traffic road and get yelled at by some moody office employees", Dean rolled his eyes and walked towards the direction those two ran away to.

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