You'll Be Okay - Chris

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Summary: The reader is stressed out about having to make a big decision

Warnings: Brief mentions of not sleeping and lack of appetite   

This opportunity has been stressing me out since my manager sent me the script. It wasn't the actual role that was stressing me out, the role itself looked like it would be a really fun one to play. The thing that was stressing me out what the fact that it was an 8 year contract. I hate signing on to long contracts because if you don't want to do the role anymore or you want to take a break from the role you can't,  you're legally obligated to keep going because you signed the contract. Chris knows that this decision has been stressing me out. He was in a similar boat when he was signing his contract for Captain America, and in the end he says it was one of the best decisions he's ever made. He's been talking to me about it all week because he says it hurts his heart seeing me all stressed out.

This decision is starting to effect me mentally and physically and he's starting to see that too. When I get overly stressed I lose my appetite and start losing sleep. All my thoughts are consumed by whatever is stressing me out. Chris decided we should have a movie day today to take my mind off things, I guess I zoned out during the movie because all of a sudden I feel Chris shaking my shoulder "What's goin' on in that pretty little head of yours Sweetheart? Thinking about that contact again?" He asks. "Mhm" I mumble back while lightly nodding me head. Chris reaches over for the remote and pauses the movie before looking back at me "I know the decision is really stressing you out and we've talked about this but I'm going to say it as many times as you need to hear it. If you don't want to sign the contract then don't Honey. I know how it feels and honestly I think you should take the role because you're perfect for it but if the contract is stressing you out this much then maybe you shouldn't take it. There are other wonderful opportunities out there that don't involve a multi-year contract that I bet you'd be great in too." He says while wrapping his arms around me pulling me into his warm and comforting embrace. 

"I know, I just, I really like the idea of this role I do but I just don't want to be on the hook to play it for 8 years. I mean so many things could happen in the span of 8 years and I just don't want to feel like I'm chained to this role but at the same time it also sounds like a great opportunity and the cast that's already signed up is amazing and it's a cast that I really want to be a part of." I say with a sigh. "Well your audition and meeting with the directors and producers is next week so until then here's what I think you should do. I think you should get some proper sleep because I think we both know you haven't gotten a proper night of sleep since your manager sent you the email with the details, I think you should let me make or order you some dinner because we also both know you haven't had a proper meal in a few days, and I think you should sit here and relax for a while. Unwind and try to tell your brain to 'shhh' for a while." Chris says. I look up at him and nod, all those thin sound pretty do-able for now.

Chris ended up ordering us some Chinese take out for dinner and the two of us just sat on the couch and ate it all straight from the cartons not even bothering to grab bowls or plates. We decided to watch one of my personal favorite movies  'The Shining' while enjoying our food. By the time that movie was done we had both finished our food and had moved to cuddle up next to each other. It was his turn to pick a movie and he chose the animated 'Beauty And The Beast' movie. My eyelids slowly started getting heavier and heavier as the movie went on and Chris started to notice so he started rubbing my back because he knows that puts me to sleep within minutes. I feel him kiss the top of my head as my body finally gives in to the sleep it's been somewhat deprived of for the last few days. As I drift off I hear him say a quick "I love you".

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this. Yes I'm aware I haven't updated this in almost a month and for that I apologize. Things have been really busy lately and also hella stressful ( I kid you not I've stress cried 8 times this past week). The good thing though is that Speech competition season starts this week meaning every week I'll be stuck on a bus for 4 -ish hours giving me plenty of time to write. I'm hoping I'll be able to get at least one part out a week starting on Saturday! Anyways thanks for reading and for 8.0K reads!

Requests and Ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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