100th chapter!

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Wow, never did I ever think I'd reach 100 chapters on a book I randomly decided to write. I got the idea to write this book after reading hundreds of other imagine and preference books surrounding Marvel and the Avengers (but mostly Steve and Bucky) so I decided I could write my own. If I'm being honest I never thought this book was going to be read and enjoyed by so many people. As I write this, this book is sitting at 4.2 thousand reads which is still absolutely insane to me that over 4.2 thousand people in the world have read this. If I'm being honest I never thought I'd write 100 chapters to this book, I honestly thought I would have gotten bored of writing or just flat out quit at around 40 or 50 parts. So THANK YOU to every single one of you that's read this book. Wether you've been around since the beginning and read every chapter or wether you've just randomly stopped by and read a chapter or two thank you.

Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers Imagines and PreferencesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz