Rainy days (characters)

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Steve Rogers- When it's a rainy day in New York the two of you spend the day in bed cuddling  and or watching movies. Steve also likes to draw on rainy mornings so sometimes you'll wake up to him lightly sketching in his sketch book. Sometimes you can convince him to come sit in the roof with you for a little bit because you find laying in the rain soothing. He makes sure you don't stay out there very long though because he doesn't want you to get sick. Sometimes you can talk Steve into making his moms delicious chicken noodle soup for a cozy comforting dinner. 

James "Bucky" Barnes- Rainy days aren't Buckys favorite if he's being honest but he loves seeing your reaction to rainy days. You've always preferred rainy weather to sunny so any time there's a rainy day you take full advantage of just staying inside and watching movies while having a few windows slightly open so you can still hear and smell the rain, because let's be honest who doesn't love the smell of fresh rain. Sometimes he'll catch you laying on the roof in the rain and he just smiles to himself because he finds it cute how much you love rain. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! If you didn't read the chapter before this one titled 1.0K reads! I highly suggest you go read it, it's just a quick thank you message to you guys for reading and supporting this book! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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