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Hi! I enjoy reading these kind of books so I decided I'd try and write one. A few things you should know are:

-All stories will be reader insert (readerXcharacter) using (y/n)

-Requests are open! I won't be taking OcXcharacter yet as I don't feel comfortable writing that yet.

-I will NOT be writing smut (at least not yet because I don't feel comfortable) 

-almost all of these imagines will be from a female readers perspective (using She/Her/Hers pronouns) unless specified differently in a request!

-you can request different characters if you'd like!

-If you wanna request an imagine or preference I kindly ask that you submit your idea in the comment section of a chapter. I'll reply and add your request to the list and start working on it as soon as I can! 

-If you do want to make a request I also ask that you name the character you'd like it to be (if it's an imagine request) and what it's about. If it's a preference just simply say what you'd like.

-I usually update everyday except weekends! 

Thank you for taking the time to read my book! Don't be shy to leave comments or suggestions! 

Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers Imagines and PreferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang