What horror movie you show them (Characters)

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Long A/N at the end that I'd advise you to read if you're a frequent reader! (It's nothing bad I promise)

Steve Rogers- The Shining. you decided this classic horror movie would be a great one to show Steve. It has none of that classic jump scare type horror since this movie is more of a psychological thriller and in the end he really ended up enjoying the film! Now the two of you end up watching it every year around Halloween or whenever the two of you are in the mood to watch something that would give you the scare you crave but wouldn't keep you up all night. 

James "Bucky" Barnes- Poltergeist. You decided to sit down and watch Poltergeist with Bucky after he expressed an interest in the movie after seeing a poster for it at a store. The two of you sat down and watched the film cuddled up together on the couch as he intently watched the film and you told him little fun facts about it. He really enjoyed the film and was excited when you told him there were 2 more squeal films. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! Thank you all so much for 900+ reads! This still feels like a crazy dream to me but it's real! I got inspo for this while watching Poltergeist so that's where this came from. Now unfortunately IDK how much I'll be able to update this book this week because my birthday is next week and I have family members coming over almost everyday to visit so I'm sorry if there aren't as many updates as usual. I'll try my best to try and get at least one thing published a day though! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can!

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