Winnie the Pooh - Chris

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Summary: Chris and the reader watch Winnie the Pooh after watching a horror film 

Warnings: none other then slight spoilers to The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It 

Chris and I had been binging some horror movies today. There really wasn't a reason for it, we just thought it'd be fun and we both didn't have any filming to do today. We spent the day cuddling on the couch (with Dodger of course) watching all sorts of horror films. We started the day with the first two Poltergeist movies, then we watched The Exorcist, then we watched The Shining and we finished the day off with all of the movies in The Conjuring universe. 

We were finishing up watching the newest Conjuring movie "The Devil Made Me Do It" we were at the part where they were finally getting rid of the curse, Ed and Lorraine were running around the tunnels trying to get rid of the curse lady while the priest was performing the exorcism on Arne. I was curled up into Chris's side while he gently rubbed my back with his hand. "You ok sweetheart?" I hear him ask as I cuddled a little deeper into him. "Yea I'm fine" I say moving up slightly so I can press a kiss to his jaw. He smiles at the action and leans down to press a kiss to my temple. 

Soon the credits were rolling meaning it was the end of our horror binge. "You gonna be ok to sleep tonight honey? That was a lot of horror." Chris says recalling all the times I snuggled into his side while watching the films. I nod my head " we should probably start cleaning up" he says this makes me notice how much stuff we had laying on the coffee table. There were all sorts of candy wrappers, empty soda cans, plates from dinner and many more things. We quickly cleaned up our mess before making our way to the bathroom that's connected to our shared bedroom.

 Both of us did our typical night rituals before both of us climbed into our shared bed. "Hey Chris" I say as I get comfortable in our bed resting my head on his chest "yes honey?" He questions waiting for me to continue " can we turn on Winnie a the Pooh?" He slightly chuckles "aww is someone scared?" He said poking fun at the fact that I had said I was fine earlier. "What- I- never-... yea" I say burying my face in his chest so he can't see me. "Awwww honey it's ok. I'll turn on some Winnie the Pooh" he says reaching for the remote "thank you" I say but it comes out muffled since my face is still buried in his chest. "You're welcome honey" he says kissing my head as he turns on one of the classic animated Winnie the Pooh movies. 

Soon enough the two of us fell asleep cuddled together in our shared bed with the soothing sound of the Winnie the Pooh theme playing in the background without a care in the world.

(A/N) good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! Thanks for reading, I know this isn't my best work but it's all I had time for at the moment. Maybe I'll publish something else later but I'm not sure yet. We're almost at 1.3K already! This book is gaining so much attention its crazy!  If you're a new reader thanks for taking the time to check out my book and if you're a regular reader thanks for coming back to read again! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can.

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