How you met (character edition)

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Steve Rogers- You had been working at S.H.I.E.L.D as an agent for a while now, Fury had called you in for an emergency meeting regarding an upcoming mission that he had assigned you to. As you walk into the conference room you were greeted by the Avengers and Fury sitting at the long table. All the seats were taken except one next to a man you'd never seen before. He had blonde hair that was nicely combed over, a somewhat pale complexion he looked up at you and you noticed his beautiful blue eyes as well. As you sat down he reached his hand out to shake yours saying "Hello, I don't believe we've met. My name is Steve, Steve Rogers" you quickly (maybe a little to quickly) reach out your hand to shake his hand saying "Hi, no I don't believe we've met. I'm (y/n), (y/n)(y/l/n). He gave you a friendly yet gentle smile which you happily returned. After the meeting had finished you and Steve hung back to get to know each other since Fury had assigned you as partners for the mission. After about 2 hours of talking, laughing and just generally getting to know each other you and Steve started to get up to leave. As you were about to walk out the door you hear Steve call for you "Hey (y/n)! wait up!" you turn around to face the tall blonde man.  "yes Steve?" you reply. "Since were partners for this mission would you mind if I got your number?" you quickly reach for the pad of paper that had been sitting on the conference room table and quickly jot down your number. You had him the paper as he hands you a slip with his number on it as well. You both walk out of the conference room and o your separate ways. From that day on you and Steve grew to be best friends and the rest is history! 

James "Bucky" Barnes- You've been an avenger since you were 21, you were a trained assassin like Natasha and Clint. You had been talking to your best friend Steve when he mentioned his friend Bucky was going to be coming by the tower (A/N: for the sake of the story all of the Avengers live in the the Avengers Tower and Tony has forgiven Bucky). Steve started to mention how Bucky had just gotten out of being in a cryo freezing chamber in Wakanda. You were excited to meet Bucky after hearing Steve tell so many stories about him from back in the 40's when they were serving in WWII and stories from when they were growing up in Brooklyn. Suddenly JARVIS interrupted the story Steve was currently telling by saying "Mr. Rogers, Mr.Barnes has arrived on the premises. Shall I let him up to your floor?" to which Steve replies "No thank you JARVIS, I'll go get him myself" Steve starts to get up to go find Bucky when you speak up "Can I come with?" Steve turns to you replying with "I don't see why not. It may be nice to introduce Buck to someone so he has another familiar face around the tower.". You get up and start following Steve to the main entrance of the tower where you see Bucky sitting on a bench. "Hey Jerk" Steve says to Bucky to which Bucky promptly stands up and replies with "what's up Punk" while giving Steve a quick hug. Bucky turns to you looking back at Steve with a confused look on his face. "Buck this is my friend (y/n), (y/n) this is Bucky." Bucky reaches his non-metal hand out to shake yours "hello (y/n)" you reach over to shake his had "hello bucky, it's so nice to finally meet you. Steve talks about you quite frequently so it's nice to finally be able to put a face to the name!". After meeting on that day you, Steve and Bucky had become quite the trio, constantly spending time together around the tower. You spent a lot of time teaching Steve and Bucky about modern things and catching them up on the things they missed. Soon you and Bucky started growing closer and the rest is history! 

(A/N): Ahhhhhhh My first real chapter is done!!! I know it's not the best but they'll get better trust me! Thanks for reading and don't be shy to leave a comment.    

Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now