Nail biting - Steve Rogers (short imagine)

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Summary: The reader bites her nails as an anxiety tick/coping mechanism and it bothers Steve because it's not the best option so he tries to help her break this habit. 

Warnings: None that I can think of.

I've always been a nail biter. I don't really know why but since I was little anytime I get anxious my first instinct is to go ahead and bite at my nails. It never was a huge problem, I mean yeah my nails are constantly uneven but other than that it's never been that big of a problem and honestly half the time I didn't even notice I was doing it unless someone else pointed it out to me. It wasn't until I got with my boyfriend Steve Rogers that I noticed how often I actually do this. 

I tend to get really nervous when we find out he's being sent on a new mission because there's always a risk that he may get hurt or even worse killed. I hate the fact that that's what I think of when I hear he's being sent out on a new mission but when your boyfriend is an avenger that just kind of comes naturally. I was sitting in the common area cuddling with Steve when he got a call from fury saying that he was being sent out on a mission early tomorrow morning. As soon as I heard those words fall out of Fury's mouth my index finger made it's way to my mouth and I immediately started biting on my nail without really noticing. 

If I'm being honest I think I spaced out because the next thing I remember is hearing the familiar sound of Steves voice calling me out of the trance I didn't even remember falling into as he lightly tugs my finger out from between my front teeth "sweetheart you really gotta work on not biting your nails. I know this is how you cope but it's not good for you. Maybe when I get back form this mission we can find a better strategy for you. Okay?" he says as he puts his index and middle finger under my chin moving my gaze to meet his. I nod my head knowing that he's right and that this nail biting problem really has to stop. "Ok" I say in response as I bury my head back into his neck. 

The next morning I wake up as Steve's getting ready to be sent off on this mission. Usually he wakes me before he leaves so he can kiss me goodbye but this time I just felt the urge to wake up and be there with him when he left. We held hands as we walked into the elevator to be taken up to the landing where the jet was waiting. We heard the familiar 'ding' sound from the elevator as the doors opened. Steve brought our intertwined hands up to meet his lips so he could gently kiss my hand before letting it go as he moves his hands down to my waist. "I'll be back tomorrow morning and I promise I'll be careful as always alright sweetheart? While I'm gone please try not to bite your nails ok? I know I know this may be a hard thing for me to ask of you but I want you to try for me, ok?" I simply nod my head as he pulls me into a gentle warm hug. As we release he pulls me in once more to press a sweet kiss to my lips before telling me he loves me once more as he walks off into the jet. 

(A/N) Good morning/Afternoon/Evening or whenever you're reading this! This is the first imagine I've written in like forever! Sorry about that! I've got finals coming up and I randomly decided to join my school's speech team because I wanted to do an extracurricular and because it just sounded fun and as a bonus starting next week I'll get to travel around my state weekly to go to competitions! what I didn't expect was how stressful it'd be!! Things have calmed down a bit now though so I should be able to get some more stuff out! I'll also try to update while I'm traveling to competitions because lord knows I'll be bored sitting on a bus for at least 4+ hours weekly. Anyways thanks for reading this very short imagine that I randomly had the idea for in the middle of the night (I'm not kidding I got out of bed and grabbed my computer just to write this). 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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