You need a break - Stucky

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Summary: the reader has spent days working on a mission report for a month long mission she did and hasn't taken a break because she didn't think it was necessary but now her boyfriends are worried. 

Warnings: mentions of not eating due to stress 

Today was the 4th day that I've sat in my office working on this report. I was sent on a month long mission spying and then infiltrating a HYDRA base in Russia. I returned from the mission about two weeks ago and Fury is already requesting my mission report. I have to write down everything that I saw, heard and or found in the time that I spent spying on the base before I infiltrated it. So far I'm only about half way through getting everything written down. The base I was watching over was one of their main bases so there was tons of information for me to get my hands on that will be helpful to Fury. 

During my time trying to write this report I haven't left my office very much. I don't remember the last time I ate a real meal, these past few days I've just been eating the snacks I kept stored in my office. The only times I leave the office are to go to the bathroom and to go home to my boyfriends for the night. I usually leave the office late at night and return early in the morning so I can spend as much time as possible working on the report. I do feel bad for not spending much time for my boys but I also want to give Fury as much detail as I can so I gotta get it all down while it's still fresh in my brain. I know my boyfriends Steve and Bucky are getting worried. They're constantly calling or dropping by the office to check on me because they don't want me to work myself to exhaustion because I have a bad habit of doing that. They keep asking if I've eaten anything and every time I tell them I have been... technically I'm not lying as I've been eating the snacks that I have stocked up in mg office snack cabinet. 

I was in the middle of finishing the 3rd page of my report when I heard a knock on my office door. Knowing that it's probably Bucky and or Steve I tell them to come in. The door opens to reveal Steve and Bucky both standing there with worried expressions on their faces. "Come in boys, take a seat if you want." I say gesturing to the two chairs that were placed in front of my desk. They both nod before both of them walk in and sit in the seats. I finish the paragraph I was working on before directing my attention to them "so what's up my loves?" I ask folding and placing them on my desk. "Honey how long have you been working on this mission report?" Steve asks. I hum for a second before saying "four days I think. Why?" "Doll you're overworking yourself again. You're rarely home, we know for a fact you're barely eating, you're also barely sleeping. Doll we're worried about you. You need a break." Bucky said reaching out one of his hands to hold one of mine. I look over and see Steve noodling in agreement to what Bucky is saying. "So the both of us think you should come home. We told Fury the situation and he agrees that you've been overworking yourself and that you need a break so he's given you the rest of the week off no questions asked. So what do ya say sweetheart? Will you come home with us?" Steve asks/says.

 I sigh to myself knowing that they're right, the effects of overworking myself are starting to catch up to me and so has the lack of eating and sleep. Slowly I begin nodding my head agreeing with what they're proposing. Seeing me nod and agree makes the both of them smile. Bucky comes over to my side of the seat and saves my work to my computer before turning it off and grabbing my hand. He helps me stand from my office chair and Steve comes over to grab my other hand and my work bag. The both of them bring me out of my office and lead me down to the car. Steve tosses my bag on one side of the back of the car before helping me into the other side. He gets in the driver seat and starts the car while Bucky buckles his seatbelt on the passenger side before snaking his hand between the seat and the door so he can hold my hand. 

Soon we all arrived back at our shared home. Bucky comes and gets me out from the back of the car and leads me up to the master bathroom while Steve heads to the kitchen. Bucky runs me a nice hot bath with my favorite bubble bath in it and leaves me to soak in it while he goes down to help Steve with what ever he's working on in the kitchen. When I'm done with my bath I dry off with the towel Bucky left out for me before walking into our shared bedroom to notice some clothes had been laid on the bed for me. Some leggings, panties, one of Bucks Henley shirts and one of Steve's zip up sweaters. I get dressed in what Bucky had laid out before going downstairs to find Steve and Bucky in the kitchen making some sort of meal. "Hey there sweetheart! I see you found what Bucky laid out for you, while you were in your bath I started on some dinner nothing special just some spaghetti and meatballs. Why don't you go have a seat in the living room and pick out a movie Bucky and I will be there soon." I nod and go into the living room and turn on Disney's The Little Mermaid. Eventually Steve and Bucky emerge from the kitchen with 3 plates of spaghetti and meatballs. We spent the rest of the night enjoying our food and watching movies. Even though I don't like admitting  when I need a break it sure is nice that my boys always come and make sure I take a break and they always make it worth it. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! This is my first imagine that's over 1.0k words that I've written in a while. I just randomly got this idea while I was in school today and it's been in my head since. Also this book is almost at 1.6K reads and got over 15 unique readers yesterday so that's pretty cool! Thanks for reading! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers Imagines and PreferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ