How they react to you being in pain (characters)

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Steve Rogers- Steve hates seeing his best girl in pain. The minute he heard that something was causing you pain he immediately went to find you so he can ask how or what he can do to make it better. Wether that's just sitting and cuddling you or wether it's going out to the store to find you some pain medicine he'd do it just for you.

James "Bucky" Barnes- whenever Bucky hears that you're in pain he immediately starts babying you. He carries you up to bed and doesn't let you out until he knows what's bothering you and how he can fix it. He knows that some types of pain are out of his control but he still tries his best to make you feel better in any way he can.

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! This is mostly inspired by the fact that I spent almost 2 class periods in the nurses/health office today curled up on one of the cots/beds in some of the worst pain I've ever been in. It went away after about an hour (thank god because I thought I was dying) but yea it was awful. Anyways thanks for 4.2K!

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can!

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