Your favorite non-marvel movie he's done (actors)

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Chris Evans- Knives Out because I mean come on who doesn't enjoy seeing him in that cable knit sweater. His acting in this movie is incredible and getting to watch him be a villain was also pretty cool to see. When he was filming he brought you to set fairly often so you two got to spend some extra time together and you got to see him and the rest of the cast work together to create this incredible film. 

Sebastian Stan- We Have Always Lived In The Castle. He did a great job with his character Charles in this film. He flew you out to where he was filming about 1/3 of the way through making the movie because he missed you too much. You enjoyed getting to see him portray a character that's a little different then what he usually plays. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! Sorry I didn't post anything really long, I just didn't have the time for it today. Tomorrow I have a bunch of time so I'll try and post an imagine or two. Thanks for reading! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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