Cuddles? (characters)

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Steve Rogers- This man LOVES cuddles, now he's not one for PDA but anytime the two of you are alone he immediately pulls you into his chest. He loves having your head on his chest with his arms wrapped around you because he feels like he's protecting you. You don't mind because you like how you can hear and feel his heart beat when you're on his chest because it's soothing. When you're stressed out he'll pull you into his arms and let you rant about whatever's stressing you out at the moment. The same thing works for when he's stressed out, he likes holding you while he talks about whatever's stressing him or bothering him.

James "Bucky" Barnes- After all his years of torture at Hydra you weren't surprised to figure out that he was touch starved. Slowly as your relationship progressed he got more and more comfortable with touching you and being touched in general. This was hard for him because of how insecure he is about his metal arm, you've assured him multiple times that it doesn't bother you though. Soon enough you slowly started cuddling him, you started with putting your head on his shoulder, then moved to putting your head on his chest, even going and putting your head on the same shoulder that he has his metal arm to show him that you're not bothered by it. Eventually you started spooning him. He'll never admit it to anyone else on the team but he really likes being small spoon. He likes the feeling of being held and you're happy to hold him.

(A/N) hey y'all! just a short fluffy chapter for now. I might write another chapter today but I'm not too sure yet!     

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