Anxiety sucks - Sebastian

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Summary: Reader gets anxious during a press panel with the marvel cast.

possible TW: mentions of anxiety attacks 


(A/N: Chris Evans is like an older brother to you in this imagine so he will be in here quite frequently but this is a SebastianXreader!)

Background: It was the 5th day of the Captain America: Civil War press tour and so far things were going great. You played a skilled assassin named Everest Black who was a childhood friend of Steve and Bucky who also was captured by Hyrda like Bucky. You had been working with Marvel since Captain America: The First Avenger and your character quickly became a fan favorite. You have been close friends with Chris and Sebastian since The First Avenger but Sebastian asked you to be his girlfriend when Captain America: The Winter Soldier wrapped...

I was rudely awoken by the blaring sound of the alarm clock that was seated on the bedside table beside me. I reached over to turn off the alarm clock and rolled over to cuddle into Sebastian's bare chest trying to fall back asleep. "(Y/N) Draga it's time to wake up" (Draga=dear in Romanian). I groan as I try to bury my head further into his chest which makes him chuckle softly as he rubs my back with his hand trying to ease me awake. "come on, Love. We gotta get up otherwise Chris will break the door down if were not down for breakfast with everyone in 20 minutes." I sigh knowing he's right and slowly start getting up from my comfy place in bed and on his chest. 

Seb and I were almost ready to go down and meet everyone when I hear a pounding on our hotel room door. I walk over to the door and open it not bothering to look through the peep hole because I already knew it was Chris coming to see why we weren't down for breakfast yet. As I open the door I'm greeted with a smiling Chris "good morning loser" I say hugging Chris "good morning tiny loser" Chris said slightly laughing at your reaction " I am not tiny! It's not my fault you and Seb are both 6'0 giants!" I say in a joking manor while crossing my arms over my chest. Chris laughs and ruffles my hair as Seb walks out of our shared bathroom walking over to give Chris a bro hug. "why are you guys running behind today?" Chris questions "well the little one over here" Seb says as he comes over to hug me from behind resting his chin on top on my head "Didn't want to get out of bed this morning, instead she tried to bury herself into my chest as an attempt to stay in bed" Seb continues as he kisses my temple. Chris chuckles shaking his head slightly "why am I not surprised"  Seb places one more kiss on my temple before letting go of me "We should probably head down to meet everyone for breakfast" Seb says as Chris nods in agreement. 

As everyone is finishing their food we're alerted that the vans that were scheduled to bring us to the convention center have arrived. Seb grabs my hand as we leave the small conference room the hotel had reserved for all of us to eat with out being disrupted by fans. In the van I'm seated between Chris and Seb, Chris being to my left and Seb being to my right. The van ride was smooth and quick only taking around 15 minutes to get from the hotel to the convention center.  All of us were seated in the green room back stage before the panel. This was the one with the entire cast and for some reason I just had a bad feeling. Seb and I recently announced our relationship to the public even though we've been together since The Winter Soldier wrapped. Lots of the fans were great about it congratulating us and saying we look great as a couple but of course there were going to be fans who didn't support it. Since we arrived at this convention center I've seen multiple people giving Seb and I (but mostly me) dirty looks. I started to breathe a little faster as all these thoughts started filling my head. Seb somehow noticed (probably because I started holding on to his hand for dear life and didn't even notice) "hey Draga are you okay?" I look over in his direction trying to keep it cool and not worry him "yea I'm fine Seb". Seb looks at me with a questioning look on his face, not sure if he should believe me or not. I give him a quick fake smile to try and stop him from worrying about me which he ends up believing. 

It's time for all of us to start making our way on stage as the announcer starts calling our names out one by one and I'm getting more and more nervous by the second. I've  gone pale and shakey not going unnoticed by Seb or Chris as the both of them come over to me as the announcer calls RDJ and Jeremy Renner to the stage. "Are you ok sweetheart? You're lookin a little pale there and you're shaking" Chris questions as he places a hand on my back rubbing it gently. Seb came up and held both of my hands in his trying to get me to focus on him and not my racing heart beat or the thoughts that are clouding my mind when Chris and him are called to the stage. The both of them sigh as Seb let go of my hands and Chris stops rubbing my back. "During the panel you're seated right between us, if anything happens out there tap one or both of us 3 times. Ok?" Sebastian says I look between the both of them and nod quickly as the both of them walk on to the stage. I'm the last person that's called to the stage so I  take a deep breath and put on my best fake smile as I walk out on to the stage finding my spot between Chris and Sebastian. 

The panel has gone relatively well so far with no one asking any out of line questions or saying anything rude. There's 30 minutes left and the interviewer has announced that the last 30 minutes are for audience questions only. The first few were normal questions like "what's your favorite part about working with the cast" or "what scene was your favorite to film" all easy questions for me to answer slowly making me feel better then I did before. The panel ended up going pretty fast after that. The announcer just said they will only be taking 5 more questions and then the panel was over. 4 of the questions had been for other cast members but this final one was directed towards me, for some reason the person who was asking the question gave me a weird feeling, like I had seen them before. That's when I realized who they were, they were one of the fans standing in the hall as me and the cast walked through who gave you a dirty look as Seb and I walked by. "So my question is for (Y/N)" "yes what's your question?" I respond "why did Sebastian chose a girl like you. I mean really what was the appeal? You're not pretty, you're not funny, hell I bet you've been cheating on him with Chris! I can't be the only one to notice how close the two of you are" she says rudely. My breathing instantly picks up as I begin to shake again, I tap both Chris and Seb on the thigh 3 times as the rest of the cast is busy backing me up, saying how funny I am and how pretty I am. I could see how angry both Seb and Chris looked in that moment. Chris finally spoke up "what gives you the right to ask such a rude question, what's the appeal there?" He fires back at the girl as she stares back in shock "(Y/N) would NEVER cheat on Sebastian. She's just not that kind of person. The reason why we appear to be so close is because we are, over the past few years (Y/N) has become like a little sister to me" Chris says with an angry tone of voice. Next Seb steps up "I asked (Y/N) to me mine because I love her, I love her looks, her beautiful personality, and I love all of her other great qualities. THAT'S why I chose (Y/N)" Both Chris and Seb take my hands in theirs rubbing calming circles over my knuckles as I start to calm down. The announcer decided to end the panel after that, allowing Chris and Seb and I to be the first to leave.

When I got back stage Everyone wrapped me in a big hug apologizing for that fans rude actions. I thanked everyone for backing me up back there and proceed to walk around the room giving everyone individual hugs. Finally when I got to Seb he picked me up allowing me to wrap my  legs around his waist as he hugged me tightly. As he was holding me he whispered "everything I said up there is true. I love you so much my Draga." 

After that long day all I wanted to do was cuddle with my Sebba. The cast had plans to go out do dinner but were very understanding when I said I wasn't really up for going out tonight. They all wished me a good night as Sebastian and I walked away to the elevator to get to our shared hotel room. Once we arrived we both got ready for bed, as I was putting on my pajamas I heard Sebastian turn on the TV. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw (Y/F/M) (your favorite movie) was playing on the TV as Seb was laying in bed ready to cuddle me to sleep. I jumped on to the bed getting under the covers and burying myself into Sebastians chest the same way I had this morning. Sebastian started playing with my hair softly and that was enough to put me to sleep almost instantly. The last thing I heard before falling into a deep slumber was Sebastian softly saying "goodnight my Draga". 

(A/N) Awwww that was cuteeee! Thanks for reading! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your idea or request and I'll write it as soon as I can! 

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