Sick on set - Chris

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Summary: The reader comes with Chris to set and starts feeling sick. 

Warnings: Mentions of feeling sick and other things associated with being sick. 

Chris was in the middle of filming for Captain America: Civil war when he decided to buy me a plane ticket to come visit him on set because he missed me. The first three days on set were great! It was lovely seeing the cast again and getting to catch up with Scarlett, Sebastian and RDJ and getting to meet some of the newer cast members like Tom Holland and Paul Rudd. It was the morning of my fourth day on set and I woke up feeling slightly off. I was cuddled into Chris's chest like usual, for the time that I was on set they gave Chris a later call time that way we could spend as much time together as possible. 

Chris must have known I was awake because I felt him starting to run his hand up and down my sides slowly and gently before hearing him say "Good morning sweet girl" with his deep raspy morning voice that I absolutely adored. I turned my head a bit so I could see him better before saying a still sleepy "Good morning" and pressing a kiss to his chest since I was too lazy to move up and press it to his cheek or lips. We spent a few more minutes just cuddling in bed before we both decided it would be smart to start getting ready for the day since he had to be on set in an hour.

 I still felt slightly off while we were getting ready but I thought maybe I was just hungry so after getting dressed I walked to the kitchen in the apartment he has been staying in while he's been filming and grabbed myself a quick breakfast but as I ate it the feeling just got worse. Eventually my stomach started to hurt badly, not badly enough for me to say anything to Chris though. I don't wanna worry him over something that's probably just something minor like the food not agreeing with my stomach. "Honey we gotta get going! Where are you?" I hear Chris yell from somewhere in the apartment "I'm coming! I was in the kitchen." I say as I meet him in the entryway of the apartment. "There you are!" he says pressing a quick kiss to my temple. I reach over to the coat rack and grab my bag before seeing that Chris was holding his hand out for me to hold. I grab his hand and the two of us make our way to his car that was parked in the apartment complex's parking garage. 

Soon enough the two of us made it to set and Chris was rushed off to the costume and makeup trailers to get ready for filming. I went to one of the set stages and found Scarlett and Lizzie  sitting in the corner talking so I decided to go join their conversation while I wait to find out where Chris was going to be filming for the day, or at least for the time being. "Good morning!" I say as I walk up to them "Good morning (Y/N/N)" they say. The three of us sit there talking for a bit before Lizzie speaks up "Do you feel ok (Y/N) you look really pale?" she asks making Scarlett also notice her observation "Yea she's right hun you do look really pale" you could hear Scarletts maternal instincts starting to come out since she had a daughter she had become very motherly to everyone. "yeah yeah I'm fine" I lie not wanting to worry anyone. Both of them look at me not quite sure if they should believe me or not and they look like they're both about to question me some more but the directors call them over for a scene with Chris and Anthony Mackie. 

It was around lunch break where I started feeling way worse. I waited until everyone was busy getting food from the lunch table before sneaking off to Chris's trailer to go lay down. I felt really dizzy and the pain in my stomach ended up getting worse as time went on. I arrived at Chris's trailer and grabbed the small trash can that sat under the small desk in the trailer and brought it to the couch where I was planning on laying down just in case. I guess people started noticing that I was missing because my phone started blowing up with notifications, I ignored all of them because my phone was laying on the table next to the door and I didn't have the energy to get up and grab it. 

Soon the trailer door opened and I saw a very worried Chris walk in and quickly glance around the trailer before spotting me laying on the couch with the trash can sitting next to me "Oh sweetheart what happened?" he asked as he walks over to the couch and sits down at the end by where my legs were laying. "I woke up feeling kinda off and I just thought it was because I was hungry but eating didn't help and then it started getting worse when you started filming that scene with Scarlett, Lizzie and Anthony so when they called for lunch I waited until everyone was occupied with getting food to sneak off and come lay down and I grabbed the  trash can just in case". 

"Can I ask some questions Honey?" he asks while gently petting my hair and moving some of the strands that had fallen in my face away while I nod signaling for him that it was ok to ask some questions. "did you throw up already or do you just feel like it?" "just feel like it" "do you feel like you have a fever?" "no just slightly dizzy and nauseous"  he hums while slowly nodding his head "I'm gonna make some calls ok? I'm gonna call the Russos and tell them whats going on and I'm going to call Scarlett and Sebastian to see if they can grab you a few things before I take you home because I know they're not filming at the moment. Will you be ok if I do that?" he asks and I nod in approval. 

Chris grabs his phone and calls the Russos and explains whats going on and they told him to take the rest of the day off and they told him to tell me to get better soon. Next he called Scarlett and Sebastian and asked them to grab him a few things like a bottle of water, one of the small bottles of apple juice and some paper towels just in case. They were very confused but when they arrived at his trailer and saw my sickly state they immediately understood why he asked for the items. "(Y/N) hun I thought you said you were fine" Scarlett said as she came over to the couch placing her hand on my forehead to feel for a fever. "I didn't wanna worry anyone" I said "Well you didn't do the best job at that (Y/N/N) because now we're all worried. How do you feel?" Sebastian said in a concerned tone before he placed his hand on my forehead to feel for a fever just like Scarlett had moments prior.

Sebastian and Scarlett ended up helping me up and out of the trailer and into the car while Chris changed out of his Captain America suit and back into his normal clothes. He met us at the car and thanked Scarlett and Seb for their help before hugging the both of them and getting in the drivers seat of the car. Sebastian and Scarlett came over to my side of the car and wished me well and told Chris and I to call either of them if we needed anything at all. Chris drove the both of us home and helped me out of the car and ended up carrying me up to our apartment. Once we were inside he got me situated on the Couch that way he could keep an eye on me while he answered the many emails and texts from the very worried cast and crew. The two of us spent the rest of the day on the couch watching movies and visiting with Sebastian and RDJ who had brought some soup and other things for Chris and I to have for dinner. 

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! This book hit 700 reads yesterday and is now already almost at 800! This is insane. I know I say that everyday but I genuinely didn't think anyone would ever read this so the fact that it got almost 100 reads in 24 hours is insane to me! Thank you guys so much for your support it truly means a lot to me! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can!  

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