How you met (actor edition)

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Chris Evans- You had been working on set of Captain America: The First Avenger as a set/production assistant. On this particular day you had been assigned to be Chris's PA (Personal Assistant). You were sent to his trailer first thing in the morning to see if he needed anything, what he needed, and just to see if he needed help with anything in general. Once you arrived and started talking to Chris you started getting to know him, talking about the day ahead, so on and so on. After that conversation finished you decided to get started on the small list of tasks he gave you, all the tasks were pretty easy so you finished pretty quickly. Once you were done with all the tasks you went to one of the set stages to see if Chris had thought of anything else he needed during the day. The day ended up going by pretty fast, once the final scene of the day was done Chris came up to you and asked if you wanted to come back to his trailer to get to know each other better. After that day the two of you actually became really close friends. 

Sebastian Stan- You were an intern working on the set of Captain America: Civil War. You were all over on set doing pretty much anything that was asked of you. You worked as a PA, you helped in the makeup department and/or the costume trailer, you helped the directors, you did literally anything that was asked of you. One day you were asked to help in the makeup trailer and had been assigned to help Sebastian with putting on and taking off the metal arm he had to wear for his character Bucky. Soon you started getting assigned to this job pretty regularly and ended up getting pretty close to Seb, he was nice and pretty easy to talk to. Soon enough the both of you became really close and spent a lot of time on set playing jokes on each other and on fellow cast members (usually Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, and RDJ) between takes. From there the rest is history.

(A/N) heyyyyy so I don't really know how I feel about this chapter, I got writers block right in the middle of writing Sebastian's part and so  I feel like it ruined the whole chapter. :(

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