Chapter 14. Destiny

Start from the beginning

Eric turned to Becky.  "Where is Ericka?"

"She is with Dee.  I told Dee to keep her away sir," Becky said.

"Thanks Becky, good decision.  Lloyd you take Ericka to school for me and I will take Tanya to the doctor," Eric said.

"No, I want Lloyd to take me," Tanya said.

Lloyd looked to Eric.  Eric knew that Lloyd would do anything Tanya asked.  He knew Tanya well enough to know that  she would have Lloyd drive her to her mother's or to see Kenny instead of  to her  doctor's.  "I am taking her.  You take Ericka," Eric sternly said as he picked Tanya up.

Tanya struggled in his arms but to no avail.  He gently slid her into the back seat of his car and kissed her on the forehead.  Tanya wiped at her forehead and Eric just shook his head.  He could not believe that only a few hours ago they were making passionate love to each other.  'We are fucking cursed'  Becky pulled a blanket over Tanya and Eric closed the door.  Eric was on the car phone to her doctor telling him what happened.  He told Eric to take Tanya to the hospital for a complete check up and that he would meet them there. 

"I dont want to go to the hospital," She cried.  

"Funny how you don't mind going there to see your brother  but  don't want to go there to see about your own baby," Eric said. 

"I dont care about this baby or you," she screamed .

Eric looked through the rare view mirror.  Tanya was now sitting up looking right at him in the mirror.  Eric could not believe what he was hearing.   

'She does not care about the baby?  Me I understand because she is mad about what I did to Kenny, but the baby?' 


He pulled into the entrance of the hospital and a nurse met them with a wheelchair.  He settled Tanya into the chair.  He was sure that if it wasn't for her twisted ankle, she would have ran away from him.  Eric hurried to park the car.  As he walked into the reception area he could hear Tanya telling the nurse that  she was just fine, that she just twisted her ankle coming down the stairs.  She wanted to know  which  floor Kenny was on, Eric quickly intervened.

"Is Dr. Moore here yet? Eric asked. 

"Let's get her registered and up to Obstetrics.  If Dr. Moore is here, he would be up there," the nurse said.

"She took a bad tumble.  We need to have her completely checked out  ASAP ... to ensure that she and the baby are ok," Eric said.  

The woman nodded.  "Of course,"  

Eric looked over at Tanya and her brows were knitted, and her eyes closed.  He knew that she was in pain.  Was it her ankle or somewhere else? He did not know.  She refused to say.   He bent  down  by the chair, so they were on the same level.   They looked at each other and then Tanya  closed her eyes trying to get last night out of her head ...the way he gently and passionately made love to her.  

'I wish I didn't love him so much'  she thought.  

He was thinking of the night they spent together knowing it would be a while if ever that  they would be  together like that again.  "Where does it hurt? Tell me," he begged.

"I am having contractions," she admitted.

He quickly pushed her to the elevator and up to the sixth floor where Dr. Moore was waiting for them.  "What happened?" the doctor asked.  

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