A staticky tone is followed by an even more staticky voice, as an attendant announces, "Ladies and gentleman, we are currently experiencing some mild turbulence as our flight nears the destination. Please stay in your seats and keep your seatbelts on as we prepare to descend. Thank you for your understanding."

George half-groans, half-sighs, and grits his teeth, digging blunt nails into the palm of his hand, trying to not let morbid thoughts of exploding mid-air just above his destination overwhelm his mind. He doesn't like the drops of the aircraft, they make him feel out of control like his entire life is held by the whims of the unforgiving wind outside. His stomach rearranges itself to settle above his head, and with each drop, he feels further and further away from being a physical human.

Did he mention that today, he doesn't have the band-aid for his soulmark on?

The plane tilts to the side and George thinks all his brain matter must have shifted with the rotation as a dull headache finds its weight in the center of his mind. The plane continues to descend, each decrease in elevation leading to an increase in nausea. His collapse seems inevitable.

All stills.

George looks to the side and sees cotton clouds replaced by infrastructure and greenery far, far down below. He closes his eyes and leans back into the seat, exhaling slowly to release the tension built up in his muscles. He'll make it, he's almost there.

In his relief, he doesn't notice his heart has escaped the sanctuary of his ribcage and now beats all alone above the gentle clouds.



meet me at baggage claim 10!

i'll keep a look out for your stuff



As a first-class passenger, George gets to leave the plane earlier than most other travelers. This proves significant because he and Dream happen to not want to be recognized in public.

If he can get there before everyone else and his luggage can arrive earlier, then he and Dream can grab them and dash before potential mishaps occur and Dream accidentally face reveals at an airport.

Last time, they had met at two in the morning and avoided a teeming crowd of people full of potential fans who could leak information to social media. But now, with half of Florida at the airport, there will definitely be fans in the mix.

George had wanted to just get an Uber to Dream's house to avoid the hassle of disguises and avoiding people, but Dream was adamant about being there for his arrival, and he couldn't convince him otherwise. They did both agree, however, that they needed to take precautions against being recognized, and Dream assured George that he would take care of it. George's own plan was simply to have his mask on and hood up and hope he could blend in with the crowd so no one would notice him.

It works successfully for now, as he follows the myriad of others looking like him rushing to their respective places without as much a glance in his direction. Backpack hung on one shoulder in his hurry, mask covering a good half of his face, and a hood that covers the rest of what the mask doesn't, George jogs down the flight of stairs and looks left and right. If he just goes one level down and turns to his right he should arrive at the place Dream had texted him about.

People are milling about everywhere, waiting in front of the giant revolving slide of luggage and looking for the one they would claim as their own.

George sticks to the back of the crowds and makes his way to baggage claim 10.

The revolving carousel is still dispensing the last of things for the flight before him, and George doubly confirms that this is the right station on the information board hanging in the middle of the carousel.

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