Chapter 31: Hurt

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Cas's POV
The guys already woke up and started cooking breakfast. Katie was in deep slumber until Dean dropped his glass and it shattered everywhere. Katie jolted awake and hit my head with her head in the process.
"Ouch." She says.
"Sorry." I say
"It's ok Cas. It wasn't your fault."
"Alright." I say as she gets up and head towards the bathroom.

Katie's POV
My head hurts really bad, but I'll live. I head to the bathroom and take my shower. I do my daily routine that I do every morning and then I sit on the couch.
"So Katie. What were you going to tell me yesterday??" Asks Bobby.
"Oh right. Ok so I went to the cave yesterday and went in the water, but I went down to the very bottom and found a lot of little fish. I also found a little opening or whatever and went in it. Turns out that it was connected to the ocean. I swam with the dolphins and the little fish and found a bunch of sea shells that were beautiful!!!" I tell them.
"Seems like you had fun." He says
"Yeah I did." I say proudly.
"Hey Katie can you play any instruments??" Asks Cas
"Yeah. I can play the guitar, both electric and acoustic, piano, drums, and clarinet. Why do you ask??"
"I don't know. Just curious I guess."
"Oh ok. Hey Bobby I'm going down to the cave. So ttyl." I say
"Got your phone??" He asks
"Yep in my pocket." I say as I leave the house. I zap myself to the cave, jump in the water, and explored the ocean.

Dean's POV
"Cas what was that about??" I ask after Katie left.
"You said we needed to know if she played any instruments."
"Yeah, but we can't just randomly ask her. We needed to be sneaky about it."
"Oh. Sorry."
"It's ok. At least we know that she can play and what we're getting her."
"Yeah that's true." Says Sam. We talked for a few hours until Cas suddenly gets frighten and leaves.

Katie's POV
I was just swimming around when I felt a sharp pain in my tail. I look down to see that an anchor had dropped on my tail. I try and try to get loose, but nothing works. I soon run out of air and the last thing I remember is praying to Cas.

Cas's POV
I was talking to Dean when I heard Katie praying to me saying that she needs me and that she's hurt. I flew out and drove straight into the water and searched for her. I finally found her, I pushed the anchor off her tail, and flew us back to Bobby's.
"Cas what happened?" Asks Dean, clearly showing that he's freaking out.
"I don't know. I heard her prayer and went to look for her and saw that an anchor was on her tail." I say. I heal her tail, carried her upstairs, and put her in the bathtub. I grabbed a rag, wetted it, and tried to keep her cooled down a bit. Dean, Sam, and Bobby would come check on us every now and then. Until she woke up.

Katie's POV
I woke up coughing and in a bathtub. I look up to see Cas smiling. I look down and see my tail had been healed.
"Thanks Cas. I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there." I say to him.
"Your welcome." He says. I got out, with the help of Cas, and dried off. I head downstairs and the guys attacked me with hugs.
"What happened??" Asks Sam
"An anchor fell on my tail and I couldn't get loose so I ran out of oxygen." I simply said.
"Are you ok??" He asks.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just hungry and tired."
"Ok." He says as he hands me a plate of spaghetti.
"Thanks." I say as I eat.
"No problem." He says back. Once I was done eating I head upstairs and fell asleep on my bed.

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