Chapter 9: Worries and Happiness

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Bobby's POV
Katie has been out for a few days now. I'm really worried about her. The boys arrived yesterday and once they saw how badly injured she was, they started looking out for Crowley. Cas has found him many times, but he wasn't faster enough to catch him. The boys feel real guilty, stressed, depressed, and most of all worried. I mean who wouldn't be, she's been out for 3 days now. The doctors say she might pull threw, but it's a 50/50 chance. I tell what's going on when the boys leave to go do something. I tell her how worried we all are and hope she'll come back to us.

Cas's POV
"We got another hit on Crowley" Sam says
"Where?" I ask
"Louisiana" he says. I fly out and search for him. He's going to pay for what he did to Katie. She's like a little sister I never had and I hate that something bad happened to her. I find Crowley and he put up a good fight, but I was quicker. I chained him up with the demon chains and locked him inside the bunker. After I did that I head back to the hospital.

Bobby's POV
I never left her side, not once, not even to use the bathroom. She's like the daughter I never had and I can't lose her. I stared at her and grabbed her arm with both of my hands, just praying for a miracle. All of a sudden she twitched and I mean like a big twitch, in her right hand. I called the nurse and asked for an explanation. She said Katie's slowly coming out of her sleep. I never felt so happy in my life.

Katie's POV
I felt like going to the light, but something was holding me back. I felt a pair of hands on my arm, I jumped a little because they're so cold. I slowly felt weird and opened my eyes. I was in a room with Bobby right beside me looking down.
He looked up and had the biggest smile I have ever seen. He jumped up and hugged me so tight I felt like I could breathe.
"Bobby I need air." I say jokingly. He chuckled a bit.
"Welcome back kiddo."
"Glad to be back."
The boys came in and they ran up to give me a hug.
"You ok Katie??" Asks Cas
"I'm fine, are you ok??" I ask
"Yeah. I am now." He says

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