Chapter 5: We're back!!

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~A few days later~

I woke up to yelling.
"We're back!!!" Dean screamed
I hurried downstairs and jumped right into their arms.
"Well someone is happy to see us." Says Sam
"Well yeah. You guys have been gone for awhile and I was getting bored."I say
"Hey, I thought you liked it here." Bobby says.
"I do, but I kinda got bored."
"Oh ok"
"It's not because of you. It's just I get bored easily." I tried to tell him.
"It's ok. I'm just teasing you."
"Oh ok"
After we said are hellos I had a vision, of the future. It was me being kidnapped by some guy named Crowley. When my vision was over I asked the guys.
"Hey guys, who's Cowley??" I ask. The guys looked very worried.
"Why?"Asks Sam
"I'm just curious. Some hunters were talking about him. So who is he??" I lied.
"The King of Hell." Answered Cas.
"Oh. Ok" I say. I began to worry and stress for the pass few hours. I think and think for a plan to keep me safe, but I got nothing. I was getting tired, but I couldn't sleep. I was to worried. I decided to just take a shower and maybe that will help me relax a bit. I began to sing Wires by The Neighborhood. Little did I know that Cas, Dean, Sam, and Bobby were listening.

Cas's P.O.V
I was in deep thought and all of a sudden I heard the most angelic voice I have ever heard.

Sam's P.O.V
I was researching when I heard the most beautiful voice ever.

Dean's P.O.V
Bobby and I were drinking and talking and then he shushed me.
"Bobby wh-"
"I said shush boy!"
I listened very closely and heard Katie singing so beautiful. When she was done I said, "Wow".
"Yeah I know" Bobby said.

Katie's POV
Once I was done singing, I hopped out of the shower, get dressed in my PJs, and side braided my hair. When I went downstairs, the guys were staring at me amazed.
"What?? Is there something on my face??" I ask
"No. It's just you have an amazing voice." Says Cas
I look down and blush, "Thanks"
"No problem" they say.
After all of the awkwardness I go and get ready for bed.
"Goodnight guys." I say
"Goodnight Katie" they yell back.

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