Chapter 10: Home

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A few hours later......

Katie's POV
The doctors said I could go home, but I can't be walking around and stuff because I'm not strong enough. I'm gonna have to wear two casts for 18 weeks, that's gonna suck. Bobby and Cas helped me out to the car, while Sam and Dean pay the bill. I'm so nervous for their reaction, about my powers and stuff. Cas and Bobby hadn't said anything, but they're probably waiting till we get home. Bobby drives Cas and I home. Dean and Sam will drive their car home, I guess. It's funny how I call the place home. I mean I've only known these guys for 2 weeks and I already feel like family. The car ride was silent, but I didn't really care. I just wanted to go home. Once we got there Cas picked me up.
"Cas what are you doing??" I ask
"Carrying you inside." He says
"Why??" I ask.
"Because you can't walk well. So I'm carrying you."
"Your welcome"
As he carries me inside, Sam and Dean pull up in the driveway. Cas laid me on the couch and said, "You know Sam and Dean are gonna ask about your powers right??"
"Yeah, I know." I say. The boys walk in and started the questions.
"So, Katie why didn't you tell us about your powers?" Sam asks
"I was afraid of how you guys would react."
"Oh, ok I guess. You know you can tell us anything right??" He asks
"Yeah I know."
"So what are your powers??" Dean asks as Sam slaps Dean's arm.
"It's ok Sam. I can explode, levitate, freeze, send away and make things come to me. I can freeze time, see the past, future, and present, astralproject, and go to a place with a blink of an eye. I can control water with my mind, like freeze, move it, and heat it up. I can also turn into a wolf and a mermaid whenever I want, but I can only turn into a mermaid when I get wet. So yeah, that's it." I say
"Wow!!" They say isync.
"Yeah, it's fun to practice with them."
"Hey Katie, what was Crowley talking about when he asked about your foster parents?" Asked Dean
"Oh that. Umm..."
"It's ok, you don't have to tell us." He says
"No it's ok. I guess I'll start from the beginning. So my parents gave me up for adoption when I was born and each foster center and home I've been to they've abused me, mentally and physically. My last foster parents weren't like that, they were nice to me. It was a full moon that night the incident happened. I got mad at them and turned with all my powers included. I didn't mean to, but I pushed them up against the wall and I lost control of my self and nearly killed them. When I woke up the next morning, I remembered everything, I saw my foster parent unconscious. I hurried upstairs, packed my stuff, call the hospital, and left. Once I found a place to stay I started looking into the supernatural and killed everything that was evil." I say as tears started to fall from my face. They all looked saddened and looked down at the floor. Cas came over and comforted me.
"Wait I thought you said you ran away because they were buttheads??" Says Dean.
"I lied. I didn't want you guys find out about my powers back then."
"Oh" he says. We all sat in silence for awhile, until Bobby's phone started ringing. The boys left, to do a case, and I sat and played on my phone.

~2 hours later~

"Hey Bobby, I'm gonna go get my shower." I say
"Ok." He says back
As I got my clothes ready and put my hair down I had another vision. It was Dean, Sam, and Cas torturing Crowley.
"Well good he deserves it." I say to my self. I got in the shower wash my hair and body, got out, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair out and put it in a messy bun. I went back downstairs, with a little bit of a struggle, and got ready for bed. I put my headphones in and listened to Talking Body by Tove Lo and drifted off to sleep.

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