Chapter 25: Goin' for a Swim

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Katie's POV
I let my mermaid self take over and just swim around having so much fun!!
"This is so much better than a bathtub!!!" I say
"I bet." Says Dean.
"Come on Dean join me!!!" I say while laughing.
"I didn't bring any extra clothes."
"I can dry them off with my powers you dumbo.!.!."
"Oh yeah. I forgot about that."
"Alright now come on!!"
"Alright alright alright I'm coming."
I swam around and absorb the feeling of being a mermaid.
"Hey why don't we call Sam and tell him to get their butts up here."
"It would take them 2 days remember."
"Not unless Cas flys them here. Duh"
"Oh yeah. Alright I call." Says Dean as he gets out. He picks up his phone and dials Sam's number.
"Hey Sammy. You want to go swimming??" He asks. Sam says something, but I can't hear.
"Katie. Sam says he can't. They have company."
"Dean put the phone to my ear."
"First of all who's this company you speak of??"
"Ok. Second you get Cas to bring you three down at the cave. Tell him that exactly. "
"Ok" I hear mumbling and then Cas shows up with Sam, Bobby, and Charlie.
"Yay!!! Come on in its nice and warm. And don't worry about your clothes getting wet because I can dry them with my powers." I say
"Oh alright." they say. We all hop in and have so much fun. We splashed each other and played Marco Polo. After awhile the guys stepped out and I had to dry them. Buttheads. Charlie and I talked about my tail and powers and stuff. After awhile we all got tired to I dried Charlie and I off. Cas flew us home and I got my shower. Charlie and I have to share a room cause there wasn't any left and I didn't want her to sleep on that rusty old couch. We talked for hours non-stop and I finally fell asleep.

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