Chapter 14: Meeting Charlie

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Katie's POV
After knowing the Winchesters for awhile I've began noticing a few things about them that I didn't know was possible. For one its dying more than once. But the main one I've notice is how much they love each other. They would trade their souls for each other. I wish I had that kind of bond with someone. They've treated me like family since the first time we've met. I've been thinking about this for awhile now and just curious, why me?? I mean I was a normal hunter minding their own business and then poof I started going with them on hunts and living with The Bobby Singer. It's just a curious thing to think, isn't it?? I was in deep thought when I heard Sam and Dean walk in.
"Heya squirt." Says Dean
"Hey butthead." I say back
"Whatcha thinkin about??" He asks
"Oh nothing."
"You wanna meet a friend of ours today??"
"Yeah sure. I love meeting new people." I say.
"Ok well get everything you need."
"Ok. Well I'm done, let's go."
"Are you forgetting something??"
"No. I got my phone, headphones, wallet, and money. What else do I need??"
"How about some shoes??"
"Oh yeah. Right. Ok. Now I'm done." I say while sliding on my shoe.
"How much longer do I need to wear these casts??" I ask Sam.
"About 16 weeks left." He says
"Damn it." I say as the guys chuckle.

~4:03 in the afternoon~

We got out of the car when a girl about in her young twenties appeared in front of us.
"Hey Charlie. It's good to see you." Says Sam.
"Oh Charlie this is Katie. Katie this is Charlie." Say Dean
"Nice to meet you Katie." She says
"Same with you."
"So you guys can start the chit-chat while Sam and I go talk about the case." Says Dean.
"Ok bossy pants princess." I say.
"Nice one." Says Charlie as she gives me a high-five.
We start talking about are favorite movies, role models, color, shape, food, ect. Turns out that we have a lot in common and I mean a lot. We talked since we met. I even decided to stay with Charlie instead of going on the hunt. Well I couldn't go on the hunt anyway, but you get what I mean.

~In the morning~

"Katie wake up. We gotta go." Says Dean
"But what about Charlie??" I ask
"You'll see her again at some point." He says.
"Why don't yall get each other's phone numbers." Says Sam
"Good idea." I say as I get up and search for Charlie.
"Hey Charlie. I gotta make this quick cause we're leaving, but here's my phone number and put yours in here." I say as I hand her my phone.
"Alright now we can text from far away places." She says as she hands me my phone.
"Yep. Alright got to go. Bye" I say
"Bye." She says while I get in the car. I decided to take a nap while we go to Bobby's place.
"Night guys." I say
"Night Katie." They say

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