Chapter 15: Alone

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Katie's POV
After the boys dropped me off at Bobby's Cas decided to stay with me cause Bobby is still on his hunt.
"Hey Cas can you help me upstairs??" I ask
"Yeah sure. What are going to do upstairs??"
"Take my shower of course." I say as he helps me in my room. I get the clothes picked out and head for the bathroom. I decide to take a bath and let my mermaid self come alive. I laid down and admired my tail. It's blue, but when the light hits it it turns into a greenish color and my fishy bra is green and turns blue when the light hits it. I laid there for about an hour or so and then let the water drain as I turn back into my human self and take my shower, which only took a few mins. As I get out and put my towel on I slip on the floor and fell on my broken arm.
"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh" I screamed.
"Katie you ok??" Cas asks as he appears by my side.
"I'm fine. I just slipped and fell on my arm. That's all." I say
"Here let me heal you, so you don't have to wear that anymore." He says.
"Why didn't you do that the first time I broke it??!?!?" I say as he heals my bones.
"I don't know." He says.
"Alright could you like leave so I can get dressed??"
"Yeah sure." He says while leaving. I get dressed, brushed my teeth, and finally Watefall braided my hair. I wasn't able to braid my hair at all so I'm finally going to. As I go downstairs Cas says, "Hey Katie, I have to go help Sam and Dean. Will you be ok staying here alone till I get back??" He asks.
"Yeah. I can handle it." I say back.
"Ok. Just pray or call me if you need anything."
"Ok. Bye."
"Bye." He says while leaving. I'm alone in Bobby's house. What to do, what to do?? I think to myself. I get my phone and my beats headphones out and listen to some music while I texted Charlie.
"Hey Charlie." I texted her.
"What's up??"
"Nothin much just sitting on the couch wbu??"
"Nothing really just hang out at Bobby's."
"Yeah. Sam and Dean went on a hunt or something. Bobby is still on his hunt and Cas left a few mins ago saying that Dean and Sam needed him. So yeah. I'm alone."
"Oh. I would like to come visit you, but I'm kinda reading about a case in Washington."
"It's ok. You didn't have to come anyways."
"Oh ok. Well gtg. I have a hit."
"K bye. Ttyl"
Well that was a bust. I guess I could go for a walk in the woods. I leave a note to the guys incase one of them gets back. I lay the note on the table and head out into the woods.

The Creature Who Wanted to be LovedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora