Chapter 18: Tears

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Katie's POV
Cas, Dean, and Sam barged in and said, "Crowley is gone and he's after Katie."
"Oh just great. I finally got the feeling if being safe and then he comes back. Thank you for putting me in danger again!!" I say as I point towards the sky.
"We're sorry." Says Sam.
"I wasn't talking to you guys. Yall don't have to be sorry."
"Then who were you talking to??" Asks Dean.
"Myself. Pretty much. I guess." I say
"Oh. "
"Can I go in the woods??" I ask
"No. Crowley is after you." says Bobby.
"What if Cas goes with me??"
"I guess so."
"Thanks Bobby. Come on Cas."
"Coming." He says as we walk out the door.
"Katie. Why do you like the woods so much??" He asks
"I don't know. It just calms me down and I like the feeling. I guess."
"Do you mind if I turn into my wolf form??"
"Not at all go ahead."
"Thanks Cas." I say as I turn. I run in circles and just being my happy self again. I let Cas read my mind and think, "Hop on." He gets on my back and I start to run. I run and run and run until I have to stop. I stop and Cas gets off.
"It's like flying." Says Cas.
"Yeah. Now you know why I run." I think to him.
"Yeah." He says as I lay down. I look up at the sky and watch the clouds as I turn back into my human form.
"What are you doing now??" He asks
"Watching the clouds."
"I don't know it just calms me. Just like being in the woods does." I say to him
"Oh. Can I watch with you??" He asks
"Yeah sure." I say as I pat the spot next to me. He lays down beside me and we watch the clouds with out saying a word. We didn't have to say anything for us to know what was happening. It just felt like I wasn't alone in anything.
"Katie. Why do you doubt yourself so much and think that your alone in everything??"
"Did you read my mind??"
"Yes, but I couldn't help it."
"Its ok. To answer your question, I don't know. I just feel alone like no one could love me because of what I am. I doubt myself because of how much all of my foster parents did to me. They said all these ugly things to me because they knew something was off about me and somethings they said where true. I just feel like if everyone knew what I was they would hate me and I would have no one." I say as tears start to fall.
"Hey. Your not alone in this. You've got us and we don't care what you are we love you how you are. Nothing is going to change that." He says
"Thanks Cas." I say as I wipe my tears.
"It's getting dark. We should head back." I say.
"Alright. Do you want me to fly us back or do you want to run??" He asks.
"Run. Here hop on when I turn." I say as I turn.
"Ok." He hops on and I start running. Once we got to the house Cas got off and I turned back into my human form.
"Can you please not says anything about me feeling alone and stuff?" I ask
"Yeah sure."
"Pinky promise??" I say as I held out my pinky.
"Pinky promise" he says as we lock pinkies.
"Ok thanks."
"Your welcome." We got inside and no one was there. There was a note on the table saying they went to look for Crowley.
"So I guess it's just us for a few days." I say to Cas.
"Where did they go??"
"To find Crowley."
"Yep. So whatcha wanna do??"
"I don't know."
"Hey can you help my wolf self take a bath?? I ran into some leaves and mud and its gonna hurt getting off by myself."
"Yeah sure." We head upstairs and we go to the bathroom. I turn and hop in the shower and let Cas help wash me. After we were done he left so I could take a shower in my human form. I rinsed off and got out with my towel around me. I dried off, put my pjs on, brushed my hair, and head downstairs. I fixed myself a sandwich and head back upstairs, to brush my teeth. I went in my room to go to sleep. I couldn't go to sleep so I called Cas.
"Yes Katie?"
"Can you sleep with me tonight?? I'm scared Crowley will take me." I say as tears start to form.
"Yes I can." He says
"Thanks Cas."
"Your welcome." He says as I drift off to sleep.

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