Chapter 30 - Quarantine

Start from the beginning

“No, you’re not, you’re sick. How are you sick? You’re a werewolf?” Stiles asked.

Kira and Malia came up beside me. “Scott… we have to find Scott.” I managed to say as I caught my balance again and stood up.

Kira nodded and called her dad over and asked if he could look around for him as well. “You stay here.” Stiles stated.

“Alright! Everyone line up, we need to take some blood for testing!” A voice called out.

“Damn.” Stiles muttered before grabbing my arm again. “Whoa.” He jumped back. “Stop that!” Whisper yelled.

“What? Stop what?”

“Your eyes! They’re green.”

“Yes, Stiles I have green eyes.”

“No, Anna, glowing green, supernatural green.” He whispered back.

“What? I can’t feel it.” I said puzzled.

“Okay, you need to get out of this room.” Stiles latched back onto my arm. “Malia, Kira, go to the line up.” They nodded as Stiles dragged me away.

“Is she okay? Is she sick?” I heard the voice of a doctor.

“What? No, no.” Stiles said suddenly. Thinking fast I pretended to cry, keeping my eyes hidden from the man. “She’s just very scared and overwhelmed… worried.” Stiles said as he pretended to comfort me.

“What if we’re all sick? What if there’s no cure?” I sobbed into Stiles’ chest.

“She’s very upset. The PSAT test was very important to her.” Stiles concluded.

“Alright.” The man said, clearly not wanting to get involved. “Go get her some water.”

“Yep, absolutely.” Stiles nodded before leading me away again. “Well done.” He whispered.

“Thank-you.” I whispered back, proudly.

Stiles took me to the locker room and sat me down in a chair. “Okay, stay here. Do not move. I’ll be back with the others.” He ordered and started to walk away before spinning back around. “Do not move.” He said again.

“No movement, I got it.” I nodded. He seemed satisfied enough and then left. I rested my head back on a locker behind me, wishing I had my phone so I could ring someone, anyone.

I took deep breaths, not sure if my eyes would still be glowing or not. I always felt the glow. That cool sensation, the thought of not being able to tell worried me. Then I looked down to see my claws. I concentrated and tried to get them to go away, but it wasn’t happening. It made me angry.

My heart started pounding as my blood boiled and breath deepened.

“Anna!” I heard Scott yell as he came running into the room. My head snapped to him. Red, all I saw was red and it made me roar and then so did Scott, his eyes glowing that magnificent alpha colour and I came to my senses.

“I think we have a problem.” I said in a small voice as the others all entered the room with Mr Yukamora right behind them.

“We need to put in quarantine. All of you.” Stiles said. “What if you all start loosing control like on the full moon.”

“Where?” Scott cut him off.

“We can’t just stay in the locker room.” Malia stated. “We need somewhere more secure.”

“What about the Hale volt?” Scott suggested.

“We can’t all be locked up in the same room, if we shift we could tear each other apart.” I thought

“I don’t think there’s another option.” Mr Yukamora stated. “You’re infected… all of you.” He nodded towards Stiles’ wrist. Stiles looked down in confusion and then saw the rash as he got a little light headed and Malia helped him stand.

“I don’t feel sick.” Kira mentioned.

“I think it’s affecting you differently… neurologically. I grabbed your test paper of the desk.” He said as he handed over Kira’s paper. She had tried to answer a lot of questions, but none of her shading had made it into the answer bubbles.

“Okay, how do we get to the Hale vault?” Malia asked. “The entrance it outside.”

“No, there’s another in the basement of the school.” I stated. Everyone looked at me for an explanation. “Peter mentioned it.” I shrugged before leading them out of the locker room and down the stairs into the basement.

“Okay, so where’s the door?” Stiles asked.

“Peter mentioned a triskelion marking.” I explained as everyone fanned out and began to looked for it.

“Guys!” Stiles called as he started to move a shelf away from a wall revealing an engraving in the wall that was shaped like a triskelion. In the centre was the same kind of key hole that was on the outside entrance to the vault.

“It’s like the entrance outside, it only opens with claws.” Stiles stated. “Anyone’s claw, right?” He asked, but they had to be Hale claws. He knew that.

“Right.” I agreed.

“Malia, can you try?” Scott asked, turning to her.

“Me?” She asked in confusion.

“I don’t have control.” Scott said as he lifted up his hand. “And we don’t want Anna shifting after the locker room. Your claws don’t appear to be going anywhere.” Scott nodded towards her hands, showing that she couldn’t shift back like I couldn’t earlier.

“Okay, I’ll do it.” She shrugged like it was no big deal and walked over to the door. Stiles looked relieved, but Scott gave me a look that told him to be cool.

Malia turned the key with her claws and then pushed it in before taking her claws back out as the heavy concrete door began to roll open. Opposite the entrance we walked through was a staircase that obviously led to the outside entrance. Once we’d  walked through the door it shut behind us.

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