Two Weeks is a Long Time

Start from the beginning

But he will be there. How am I supposed to see him and not break down into tears?

My friends will be there. 

But so will she. How am I supposed to see her and not rip her hair off of her scalp?

The thoughts in my head swirl around relentlessly, and it takes me a while to try and even think about overcoming them. 

I'm now five minutes away, and I'm so close that I recognise the streets. This is the route I take when driving to the studio from my apartment. I turn the satnav off, following the roads the way I recognise them, and soon enough, I arrive at the gates of the studio. 

There are two security guards I don't recognise by the doors of the studio, and I reach for my pass inside of my bag that I keep there at all times. 

It was issued to me not long before the whole situation had arisen, as a precaution for tightening up the security and privacy for shoots such as this. Before now, we'd had few instances where our buildings had been broken into by fans, and not only did it disrupt filming, it also risked the safety of the guys and the crew. So, now you had to have a pass with you to get into the buildings. 

I parked up in the corner, bringing only my phone and my pass with me as I clambered out of the car. Walking over to the building, I saw that I was alone, and the rest of the car park were just empty cars. I wondered if I was the last to arrive. 

"May I see your pass, please?" The security guard asked, looking down at me. He was a lot taller than I was, and if I was anyone else, he would've intimidated me completely. After checking my pass over, he stepped aside and let me in the building, closing the door right behind me.

"Jeez, I feel like they're protecting the Queen or something," I mumble under my breath, making my way down the corridor to the toilet. 

"Shit!" I whispered, remembering that I'd promised to text Freya to let her know I was here. 

Just arrived, came inside as it was freezing. Gonna pee then will meet you?

Meet me in Josh's changing room


Josh's room was a strange place to meet, considering I'd never been in there before. It was private for a reason, but I decided to not question her today. She clearly knew what she was doing. 

Leaving the toilets, I heard footsteps coming from the other end of the hall. Naturally, I looked over to where they were coming from, and recognised the face who stared back at me. 

"Lily Holt?" The voice asked, and I broke out into a grin, running towards them. 

"Kev!" I shouted happily, launching myself into his arms, and he reciprocated by giving me a tight squeeze. 

"I was beginning to get worried about you! I asked Harry if you were alright but he didn't say anything - are you alright?" He asked, and it hit me, that he didn't know anything about the situation. 

"I - uh, yeah. He's - we're - it's complicated. But I'm going to be fine! Sorry if I worried you, but I'm back now, and yeah. All good," I stammer, trying to look at the floor because the minute he looks at me like that again I'm going to have a break down and tell him absolutely everything.

"You come to me if you need to, you know that? The minute you need to talk to a familiar face - I'm just a call away. Alright?" He asked, and I nodded my head. 

"Thank you, I mean it. I should - uh, probably get going. I promised Freya I'd go talk to her, she might strangle me if I take any longer," I say lightly, giving him one last hug before pulling away and walking past him. 

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