Packing Up And Moving On

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hey guys, psa that the instagram mentioned in this chapter ( @lockeduplewis) is an actual instagram made by me for the purpose of this fanfic :)


It'd been a while since my trip to London. I've been in Warwick ever since leaving London, although I had heard back from the job in London I'd applied for last night.

I got it. Which meant, that in just over a month, I would be living in London full time. My forever home would be in the same city as Harry, and nothing made me more excited.

But first, I had to go into my own work and hand in my notice, telling my boss I'd be leaving. It would be hard, that was for sure, because I loved everyone I worked with, and really respected my boss.

I pulled up in the car park, notice in hand as I stepped out onto the pavement. The office building towered in front of me, and I felt strange walking in knowing that this was my last week here.

I glanced at the receptionist, Mikey, who smiled back at me. He'd always been kind to me in the four and a half years I'd been here.

With a small wave, I kept walking. Usually, I took the stairs to keep me active, but today I favoured the lift. Hayley's office was on the tenth floor, my own office was on the seventh. I didn't really fancy walking three extra sets of staircases.

The lift was empty, to my relief. I didn't want anyone to find out I was leaving before Hayley did, otherwise that would only end up being the start of a messy departure, and that wasn't something I wanted. I wanted to leave on good terms, so if something down in London didn't work out, I could perhaps come back to my job here.

The ride up to tenth floor was short. The doors made a noise before opening, and I walked out, Hayley's office at the end of the corridor. I prayed it was empty, I wanted to get this over and done with as soon as possible. Today was my day off, and after it ended I would only have five more shifts here.

The company policy was that we only had to give one weeks notice as a minimum, but longer if you'd preferred. A week would give me a good amount of time to get packed up and sell my apartment in preparation of my move to London.

Hayley's office was coming up on my left now, and a sneak peek showed me that it was just her in there - a massive relief to me.

I knocked on the door, as a way of manner, before entering. She turned round in her chair, a smile lighting up on her face when she saw it was me, but it faltered a little when she noticed what I had in my hand.

"Lily Holt. What do I owe the pleasure?" She asked, getting up from her seat, and taking a few steps towards me. I feel bad - Hayley had always been lovely to me, letting me showcase my talent time after time. I'd always felt respected by her. If anything, sometimes she was a little pushy, but only because her boss was keen on running a tight ship.

"Hey, Hayley. I actually need to give you this - I was offered a job down in London and -"

"- and I'm assuming due to the notice in your hand you've taken it?" She asks, glancing down at the envelope in my hand. I try and study her facial expressions. She's not...mad. But she's not exactly thrilled, either. Maybe she's happy for me.

I extend the letter out to her, which she reluctantly takes from me. "How long do we have you for, then? A week?"

"Yeah. Just so I can get everything sorted on my end, you know, moving across the country and that," I say jokingly, trying to make light of the situation.

She smiles, so I know the two of us are okay. "You'll do amazing in London. I mean it. Obviously, I'm gutted that I'm losing you! You are my best writer, I have no idea what we're going to do without you!"

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