Only If Cigarettes Made Friendships

Start from the beginning

I laughed. "I only call her by her first name when I'm mad at her or talking about her in a way that isn't motherly, it's a code we made when I was like 6. If we're mad at one another I call her Evelyn and she calls me my full name."

"I'm sorry she yelled at you." He said in a calm, almost pained voice. I hated that he did that. "Luke, stop, no your fucking not, you had nothing to do with it and it's not your fault, my mom just doesn't know how to be a fucking adult sometimes, I thought when my dad left and she had me at 16, I thought she'd mature and take responsibility but I guess not." I stated.

I shouldn't have fucking said that. Especially to him. Lucky for me he didn't say anything. "We'll apologize eventually though and everything will be somewhat fine." After I said that my phone started ringing. It was 9:00 P.M. I looked at it and it was Michael. I answered it.

Michael- heyyy Violet

Violet- what Cliffo

Michael- want to come over? I know it's late but my house has a fucking pool and Calum pushed Ashton in!

Violet- yeah, okay, tell them to fucking stop until I get there, I want to push them!

Michael-okay, okay see you.

He hung up giggling. I turned to Luke, "Guess we're going to Michael's." I stated, turning down the street. "What for?" He asked from beside me. "He called me all excited about swimming, apparently Calum nearly drowned Ashton." I stated. Luke chuckled. "Classic Cashton moment." He joked and I laughed.

Soon we were on the street Michael lived on. "Violet, you know, your not too terrible to hang out with." He stated. "Neither are you, but this doesn't mean we're necessarily friends, k?" I stated, following him up Michael's steps. He stopped in front of the door. "Fine, but only if you agree to hang out with me." He smirked. I laughed. "Fine, but we're not friends." I clarified again.

Before I could attest or say anything, Luke grabbed my hand in his gently. "Luke what the he-" I managed before he cut me off. "Shush, this is for saying we're not friends." He stated, smirking over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes and stopped talking and walked beside him through the house, him still holding my hand. Eventually we made it to the backyard. When the back door shut, Calum, Ashton, and Michael looked at Luke to I and then our hands.

"Please tell me you too didn't do what I think you did." Michael asked with a look of concern on his face. I laughed and took my hand out of Luke's and dropped it to my side. "Never in a million fucking years, Luke has a right hand for a reason." I stated, earning laughs from Cal, Ash, and Mikey.

Luke smirked, "Actually, me and Vi have been hanging out for the past 2 hours." He stated. That made the other three look at us. After they stared for a bit, Ashton cleared his throat. "Are we swimming or not?" He asked. I took off the jeans I had on and was about to take off the shirt Michael loaned me earlier so I could swim but then I remembered I couldn't.

"Goddammit." I said frustrated as I sat by the edge of the pool and dangled my feet in. "What, aren't you gunna swim?" Calum asked. I looked at him. "I would if I could Cal, but I got a new tattoo earlier." I stated as Luke sat beside me.

"Shit, I forgot about that." He laughed. I looked at him. Realizing that he had tattoos hiding under his shirt. "How you were with me, dumb-fuck." I stated as I took out a cigarette and lit it. He snatched the cigarette out of my mouth and put it in his own. "I don't fucking know, I kinda lost time on the walk here." He chuckled.

I turned to the pool and found the other three watching us. "What?" I questioned. Calum spoke up. "Only if Cigarettes made friendships then you too wouldn't fucking hate each other." He joked.

"Hey, don't swear." I heard Ashton say. I laughed "Jesus fucking Christ." Before I knew it Luke gave me my cigarette back and jumped into the pool. Even though I was benched on the sidelines I still had fun.

I kept thinking about what Calum said, even though I didn't want to. When everyone was done swimming, we went back inside and camped out on the couches in the living room, watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"If all four of us are the turtles, then that makes Violet fucking Splinter." Michael laughed. I threw a piece of popcorn at him from the chair I was sitting in. "Fuck off MICHEAL GORDON CLIFFORD, why the hell can't I be April or Karai, they're badasses too y'know!"

"You seem wise enough to be Splinter, and your always threatening to stab Luke." Calum stated. I glared. "Fuck you too Calum." I laughed and the boys laughed with me. As the night carried on, all of us made fun of each other on who would be what characters.

I voted that Luke would be Shredder, Ash and Cal agreed, earning a mocked hurt face from Luke that made me laugh.

For someone who was only in Sydney for 7 days, she did sleep on her best friends couch a lot, but hey, she couldn't fucking complain.

(It's 4 am 😀 also Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles still slap and I'm glad I grew up with them, I hope you enjoys this chapter :)

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