Students Council And Midterm

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Welp, worth it I guess.

"Now let's go to the question, shall we? I want to end this quickly. You can ask me some questions afterwards."

He just nod

"Can I know how much money the staff here get?"

"Why do you want that?"

"I need information for my future you know."

"I can give it to you...."

He get up and bring out a file.

Maybe I should give him 1 million just for his hard work.

He give me the file and I start to read it.

"I'll ask while I'm reading this. Is there a chance anyone with influence to enter this place? For example, a politician or billionaire?"

"I don't know about billionaire, but there's a chance that politician can enter this place."

Now that make things worse. Ayanokouji's 'dad' is very influencial in Japan. I don't know how, but if he can move a country, there's a chance he got an influence with politics.

"Next up, can you change the chairman here if he did something wrong?"

The law said no one is above the law, but if there's a chance that the bad dad can change the chairman, it will make Ayanokouji have a hard time.

"You can. That's how the world is."


Full of corruption.

"Can a teacher change a student to another class?"

"No. They're not allowed to do that."

He sure does answer fast. Maybe he's busy.

"The arcade. There's some games that allowed you to get points, what's the limit for one?"

"5k to 10k"

That's a lot.

If I remember this correctly, I got three questions left.

"Can I get information about all the upperclassmen? Their exam results, what they do, what they good at, everything."

He raise an eyebrow.

If you give me this, I'll add one more million.

I look at him.

He adjust his glasses and walk off.


I could do something with my glasses. It's fake, but I can add some mechanical thing to it.

He arrive with a lot of thick file.

"Do you want me to send this to your room?"


I didn't know you can be this nice.

Is this what it mean to know each other way back?

"If you can, yes."

He put the file to the side.

"How much points do you need to buy your way to class A?"

His eyes widen when he heard this.

"Why do you think you can buy your way to class A?"

"I mean, I already bought myself two dummy accounts."

"An account and the top of hierarchy is different."

"Really now?" I squint my eyes and look at him dead in the eyes. "Money have been the king of the world for centuries. If you think it's going to change, then it's not. Class A might be the top of hierarchy for this battle, but money or points is the top of the top. It's more powerful than being in class A."

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