
Chris POV

"Sweet mercy! I can't feel my fingers or my toes," Opal whines as we walk into the hotel lobby.

"You're the one that wanted to skate."

She presses the up button on the elevator. "How often does on get to go ice skating in Central Park on New Years Day?"

"True. How about coffee or hot chocolate?" I offer.

"Only if it's a bathtub full. It's gonna take a long soak in boiling water to get the use of my fingers and toes back," she laughs out.

Once we're in the elevator I pull her as close to me as I possibly can, doing my best to give her whatever body heat I could. "You know this would work better if we were naked."

Her head pops up off of my chest giving me 'the look.'

"What? It's true."

"I suppose that's just another one of your random facts you wanted to share with me?" she questions, raising both eyebrows.

My eyes move to the ceiling as I chew the corner of my mouth. "Sure, we can go with that." Opal's hand moves to hit me in the chest as she pulls back causing us to both chuckle as I bring her closer again, this time our lips meeting sweetly. "Random fact, ongoing desire. You can choose which."

"What am I gonna do with you?" she asks looking up at me once more as the elevator stops on our floor.

"Love me forever," I tell her as we walk the rest of the way to our room. She doesn't notice that I see her cut her eyes at me over those words. I know the words haven't been spoken but her actions speak for themselves.

"I hear that bath calling my name," Opal says instead of acknowledging my comment.

Once the door is unlocked she heads in immediately going to the bathroom and running the water. "Would you like a cup of coffee too?" I offer as I start to take off my coat.

"I don't think so, maybe just a bottle of water."

"You got it." I grab a bottle from our in room fridge and take it into the bathroom, setting it on the edge of the tub. While Opal is grabbing clothes from her suitcase I decide to take her body wash and create a bubble bath for her before stepping back out.

I notice she's still digging through her suitcase so I give her a quick peck on the top of her head as I walk past her before flopping down on the small couch in the room. "Are you gonna nap?" she asks.

"I don't know. I need to make a couple of calls, so I'll do that while you soak."

"Okay. I'll be quiet just in case," she says as I hear the door to the bathroom close. I count to three in my head before I hear, "Chris!"

"You're welcome!" I call out as I pull my phone out of my pocket. Opening it up I locate the number I'm looking for before typing out a message.

Me- Thought you might like to see this. <attachment>

I rewatch the video from last night, still in utter awe of Opal. I don't know much but I know the performers last night were not just blowing smoke. She truly was amazing. I can't possibly begin to understand what her theatre teachers in high school were thinking. She is no understudy. She is the main character.

Right on cue my phone rings. "Hello?"

"How's my girl doing?" Pops asks.

"Did the video come through?"

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant