Ch. 1 - A Russian Issue

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Dominic's appearance was appalling to most people when they saw him for the first time. He had a rare skin condition that resulted in him having very pale skin as well as silvery-white hair. Even though some people called him a freak of nature, I honestly could not picture him looking any other way.

Coupled with that creepy laugh of his, he could give the Joker a run for his money.

When my eyes trailed over to Dominic's second in command, I found Vincent Scanello sitting off to the side. His dark brown eyes stared intently back at me, the colour often reminding me of fine aged whiskey. The man was as uptight as they came, but even though I felt like he should adjust the stick up his ass, he had earned my respect.

Sending him a wink, I grinned when he responded with a scowl before looking away.

Aleksandr rumbled low in his throat, wordlessly telling me to behave. Running my tongue over my teeth, I did as he commanded even though I was tempted to act up a little.

Without making another sound, Aleksandr moved towards the wall of floor-to-ceiling windows. He pushed his tattooed hands into his pockets while his eyes looked down at the city lights below.

Even though it was just after midnight, the Aelbank City was buzzing.

My fingers tightened around my lighter. Using the pad of my thumb, I trailed over the engraved patterns while I went to sit in a chair close to Vincent where I proceeded to engage the surly man.

"How's the boyfriend?" I asked softly.

Vincent visible stiffened next to me, an inaudible grumble was his reply.

A few days ago, after a meeting, I had seen him gently caressing a man's cheek when he thought no one was looking. Before I could have made my presence known, Aleksandr had grabbed me by the back of the neck and dragged me away, telling me to mind my own business.

But I have always been a curious man and I enjoyed pestering Vincent.

Leaning over to him, I whispered with a grin, "Oh come on, don't be like that! You know such things don't bother me. Besides, I have no discernment about where a man chooses to stick his cock."

Scoffing, he muttered, "You need not concern yourself with my cock..."

"And you really need to stop being so tense. Damn, I was just trying to have a friendly conversation."

Narrowing his eyes, Vincent said, "You know, it always amazes me that you never seem to notice how annoying you can be..."

"Ah, Vincent, you wound me!" I gasped and clutched at my chest.

This was my usual response to his typical scathing replies. With a soft chuckle, I decided that I would give Vincent a break and stop pestering him, for now at least. I cleared my throat, and turned my attention back to the room.

Dominic had just finished his call and was walking over to Aleksandr.

"Alright, everything's been sorted! We're ready to head up to New York, let me know what time you wish to depart."

With his eyes still focused on the city, Aleksandr replied, "I think it's best you and your men sit this one out."

Glowering, Dominic asked, "Are you sure you don't need my help?"

I stifled a snort and continued to observe the two men. Aleksandr's only response was to exhale slowly while tightening his fists in his pockets.

"Look, Tolstoy, I know that Alessandro fucked up–"

Cutting him off, Aleksandr said, "No offense, Dominic, but this is a Russian issue..."

Vincent made a sound while shifting in his seat, no doubt ready to move between them in the event that a fight was to ensue. At this, I tapped my free hand on the arm of Vincent's chair. When he glanced at me, my eyes told him to let them be, for seeing the two mafia bosses argue was always entertaining.

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