Zuko Alone (Part Two)

Start from the beginning

"What about uncle Zhao?"

"He isn't a part of our family anymore." Quin glanced away from her for a moment. He knew Zhao was the only reason his grandfather was able to keep him home for so long. But officials contacted Zhao and he refused to be our family's soldier after their grandfather alienated him.

"You're coming back, right?" Ivana said, interrupting his thoughts.

"Of course. When we win the war, I'll be back here in a heartbeat," he said, smiling. He gave her a hug. "Take care of Botan, okay?"

"I thought it was supposed to be the other way around?"

"We both know Botan can barely take care of himself, let alone you," Quin joked, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Be good for grandfather, okay?" she nodded, standing tall, despite wanting to break down. Her grandfather put a hand on her shoulder as her brother left the house and walked to the docks to head out for his training.


She was only twelve when her brother left and only thirteen when she heard he died carrying out the order that Zuko tried to stop. "Did I ever thank you for standing up for the forty-first division?"

"I don't think so," Zuko said, staring up at the sky. He'd never forget the look on Ivana's face the day Iroh had to give her the news of her brother's death.


"Is that a letter from my grandfather?" Ivana asked with a smile. She looked between Iroh and Zuko. Both of them looked at her with what she'd describe as pity.

"General Bujing went ahead with his plan. Your brother's division was used as a distraction. No one survived," Iroh spoke. Ivana fell to her knees and stared at the floor. First her parents, now her brother. Her body felt like a stone. She wanted to cry, but she knew it would be pointless.


"Thank you."

"But it didn't save him."

"That doesn't matter. You tried, and I'll never be able to thank you enough," Ivana said. They both stared up at the sky, thinking about the past.


"Iroh, what is it?" Ivana asked, raising an eyebrow as the man walked into her room.

"Botan has been drafted. With Quin's-"

"He's fifteen!" Ivana shouted. "How can they do this? They're sending boys to fight. I just- I can't-" Ivana fell to her knees once again, almost already grieving Botan. It was at that moment she had no more love for her nation. She just wished it hadn't taken so long for her to realize it.


"Ivana, there's news about your brother," Iroh said, walking into her room again She looked up at him, ready for the worst. And it came. 

"Botan was killed by Earth Benders a week ago. I'm so sorry." 


Their hands were inches apart, relaxed on the grass. Zuko started to move his hand closer to hers until they were interrupted by Sela driving a wagon. She was clearly panicking. "You have to help! It's Lee – the thugs from town came back as soon as Gansu left. When they ordered us to give them food, Lee pulled a knife on them! I don't even know where he got a knife! Then they took him away. They told me if he's old enough to fight, he's old enough to join the army. I know we barely know you, but ..."

"I'll get your son back," Zuko said before she could finish. He got on the ostrich horse and told Ivana to ride with Sela. They rode back to town. Ivana saw Lee tied to the water tower. Anger surged through her, but she stayed put, letting Zuko handle this situation. She wasn't a very skilled fighter without her bending. Zuko, however, stood a much better chance. If he needed help, she'd be there.

"Let the kid go," Zuko demanded, dismounting the ostrich horse. Ivana grabbed it's reins, pulling it to the side of the road. She watched as Gow laughed and challenged Zuko. His soldiers began to fight him, each one losing to Zuko. Soon it was Gow's turn.

Gow wielded dual hammers, and earthbended rocks at Zuko, which he deflected. Gow sent more rocks his way, but only managed to hit him once. He stumbled but charged at Gow.

"Give him a left! A left!" a man cheered from beside Ivana.

"It's not a fistfight ..." the woman next to him said.

"He's got a left sword, don't he?"

Gow repeated his previous moves and so did Zuko. He was hit again, this time falling. He stood, stumbling a bit. Gow grinned, sending more rocks his way. Zuko deflected but was growing tired from the constant defensive moves. Gow sent a rockalanche at him, knocking him on his back. Ivana gasped, running to his aid. Gow was approaching, ready to give Zuko a final blow.

Zuko's eyes shot open. He grabbed his swords a firebended, creating a whirl of fire around him and Ivana. Gow tried to defend himself, determined to fight. Zuko firebended a few blasts at him, sending him backward, landing in a cloud of dust.

"Who ... who are you?" Gow stuttered in fear.

"My name is Zuko. Son of Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai. Prince of the Fire Nation, and heir to the throne," Zuko said proudly. Ivana gulped, watching him. She felt her heart beat faster as she watched him. Not again. Push it down. It doesn't matter. It won't ever happen. Just, no. Stop it.

The old man from earlier spoke up, "Liar! I heard of you! You're not a prince, you're an outcast! His own father burned and disowned him!" Zuko ignored the man, leaning down to a quivering Gow and grabbing his dagger. Zuko walked over to Lee, Ivana following.

Sela stood in front of Lee, trying to protect him. "Not a step closer," Sela stammered. She turned to Ivana, "We trusted you." Ivana looked away, ashamed.

Lee peaked out from behind his mother. Zuko leaned down, holding out the dagger. "It's yours. You should have it."

"No! I hate you!" Lee shouted at him. "I hate both of you!"

"I'm so sorry," Ivana said. Zuko pulled her towards their ostrich horse. She clung to him, burying her face into his back. She felt so guilty for lying and so guilty for letting them get close to her. "Never again," she whispered. She would never let herself care about the people who would fear her if they knew who she was. 

Honor, Love, and Dragons (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now