Zuko Alone (Part One)

Start from the beginning

Sela looked at Gansu with a frown. "Gansu could use some help on the barn. Why don't you two work for a while, and then we'll eat. You and Ming can catch up later too," she suggested. Zuko nodded in agreement.

Ivana followed Sela into the house to help prepare dinner. "So Lee is an old friend. Why aren't you traveling together?" Sela asked, stirring a pot of broth over the fire.

"We argue pretty often," Ivana said honestly. "It just wasn't a good fit." She shrugged as she kneaded the dough for some dumplings. "We only separated a week before I came here. My life is a lot more peaceful without him." She found herself sharing more than she intended, as well as getting more aggressive with the dough in her hands.

"I see he's a sore spot. I shouldn't have pried, though try to keep it civil. Lee's took a liking to him." Sela said, focusing back on making dinner. Ivana nodded before taking a few deep breaths to calm herself before continuing to make dinner.

When Sela no longer needed her help, Ivana went to help with the barn. She climbed the ladder to see what she could do. When she saw Zuko's job on the shingles she cringed. Gansu must have decided to give him space, rather than teach him the proper way.

"I'm going to go get some more supplies, and then we can finish before dinner," Gansu said, going down the ladder.

"Can I show you how to put the nails in properly?" Ivana asked before pulling out the nails that he'd messed up.

"What are you doing here?" he grunted.

"I could ask you the same thing. Where is Uncle?"

"We separated."

"You mean you left him on his own," Ivana huffed. She kneeled next to him. "You're so selfish," she muttered under her breath.

"I left him so he could make his own choices," Zuko said.

"Your intentions don't matter. You left him on his own and he doesn't deserve that. You could have at least left before I did. I would have stayed with him. I left because of you."

"I know."

Ivana focused on redoing the work Zuko had already done. It seemed her frustration with Zuko made it easier to do the labor. She looked at the work Zuko was doing and groaned, "You have to hit it straight or they'll bend like that," she huffed.

"I'm doing the best I can. It's not like I've ever done this before. Speaking of, how do you know how to do this?"

"Gansu and Lee helped me. I've had two weeks to learn how to hammer nails," she said.

"Hey kids, Sela says dinner is ready!" Gansu called from the bottom of the ladder.

"Coming!" Ivana said, putting the hammer down. Zuko followed her down the ladder and inside.


"You don't mind sharing the barn do you, Ming?" Sela asked, handing Zuko a blanket.

"Not at all," Ivana replied with a smile, despite feeling differently. She went to her corner of the barn and curled up in her own blankets. Zuko laid down on a bed of hay, covering himself with a blanket. "Goodnight," she said softly.

"Goodnight," Zuko replied, turning his back to her. She turned away from him too before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Ivana was startled awake from her nightmare when she heard the barn door slam shut. She looked over to see Zuko gone. She got up, going to look for him. I'm still following this boy around. I need to get a grip.

It didn't take her very long to spot him in the sunflower field with Lee. He was swinging his dual swords around as Lee watched. "What are you two doing awake?" she sighed tiredly as Zuko gave the swords to Lee. They both jumped at her voice.

"I was just showing him how to use them properly. He snuck in the barn and took them," Zuko said, knowing Ivana might get angry with him.

"My brother used to show me stuff like this all the time," Lee said excitedly, trying the moves that Zuko showed him. "You won't tell my parents will you?"

"No, I suppose not," Ivana sighed, leaning against a dead tree that Gansu hadn't found the time to remove from the field. She watched as Zuko showed him the technique again. She found it sweet the way he was teaching him. Lee seemed to enjoy it. She watched as they practiced a few more times. "Lee, you should go get some sleep before your mom catches you out of bed," Ivana said, knowingly. "You should too. You get unbearable when you haven't slept enough."

He gave her a glare before taking his swords from Lee and heading back towards the barn. They parted from Lee and went inside, laying down in their old spots. "Where did you get dual swords?" Ivana asked, staring up at the barn ceiling. She could see the holes that they hadn't quite patched up yet.

"Nowhere," he grunted, knowing that if he told her, she'd give him an earful.

"You stole them then," Ivana concluded from his behavior.

"And if I did?" he huffed, looking at her.

"It's your choice. I could care less now," she huffed back, rolling her eyes.

"Oh so you just leave and you don't care about me anymore," Zuko said harshly.

"Why would I care about you when you haven't cared about me in years?" Ivana spat.

"Who said I stopped caring about you? My life keeps falling apart piece by piece, I'm doing the best I can to be a friend, 'Vana," Zuko said quietly, looking away from her.

She sat up in surprise, looking over at him. "You haven't called me 'Vana since before the agni kai," she said, her anger melting away.

"Yeah...well..." he muttered, looking away from her. He was grateful for the night, otherwise, Ivana would have seen the light blush on his cheeks.

"Maybe you're not as hopeless as I thought," she teased, grateful to see that maybe his old self was still there, at least just a little of it. Ivana paused to think for a moment, "I'll come with you when you leave. That is if you'll let me."

"Well see how tomorrow goes." Ivana squinted at him since she swore he was teasing her. "Now let me get some sleep. You're the one who said I get unbearable without it." Ivana laughed softly before laying back down. "Goodnight."



In the morning, Gansu woke them to finish the work on the roof. Ivana stretched, getting up right away. She walked over to Zuko who was still lying in the hay. "Get up," she said, still tired herself. She held out her hands to help him up. He took them, and she helped him stand. They went on the roof and started patching up the remaining problem areas.

"Gansu, I think I'll be leaving with Lee this afternoon," Ivana said.

"Sela and I thought that might happen. We understand, though Lee will be disappointed," Gansu replied as he hammered away.

"We'll try to send him some letters," Ivana smiled. The sun started to get hot on their backs as they worked. Ivana wiped some sweat from her forehead. Gansu nodded, focusing back on his work. Ivana noticed Zuko still struggled, but not nearly as much as he did the day before. They worked on the barn until it was finished. By noon, they were eating around the table inside the farm house.

"How do you and Lee know each other?" Lee piped up, asking Zuko more questions than he wanted to answer.

"Our mothers were best friends. We've known each other our entire lives," Ivana answered, smiling at the boy.

"Have you ever kissed?" Lee asked. His mother scolded him as both Zuko and Ivana turned red at the question, looking down at their food.

"Um, no we haven't..." Ivana answered slowly, stirring her noodles.

"Why not?" Lee asked, ignoring his parent's embarrassment.

"Lee! Those aren't questions to ask people, let alone strangers," Gansu scolded.


"No buts. You've finished your food, please go do your chores," Sela said. Lee left. "I'm sorry about him. He isn't normally so bold."

"It's no problem. He's just curious," Ivana said, looking up at Sela with a smile. "Though I'm not sure where he got the idea..." she chuckled awkwardly.

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