She's Finally Home

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The boys were all gathered in the living room as Namjoon had called them in.

"What is it Namjoon?"

"We have to go to DOCO. More like we've been invited."

"What? Why?"

"We have to meet a few people."

"Korean please." Yoongi said annoyed as Namjoon was talking around in circles and not focusing on the main point of conversation.

Namjoon sighed and said, "Mae put in a word and we can go see the bastards who-"

"Language." Jin said, cutting him off mid-sentence.

"Who tortured Saakshi." Namjoon completed.

"The language rule doesn't apply here." Jin said, with a straight face.

Namjoon smiled to himself and continued, "We can go see them."

"And do what?" Hobi asked confused.

"Punch a little... Kick a little.. and stuff.." he mumbled in a low voice, trailing off at the end.

"Let's get it!" Jungkook almost shouted as he punched the air.

"Shhhhh!" Jin and Hobi shushed him quickly.

"Saakshi's sleeping. And so is bub. Don't you understand?"

"Oh sorry." He apologised.

"But in the middle of the day?" Jimin wondered.

"Sleep decided to stay away from her all night" Jin said.

Jimin was taken aback by the sudden sass but nodded.

"We'll be back soon. She won't even realise we've been there." Namjoon said.

"But what if she wakes up?"

"We'll tell her something on the spot and get away with it."

"We are we. We aren't her. We can't lie on the spot and even if we do, she catches it a lightening speed." Jungkook reasoned.

"You wanna come with us or stay?"

"I'll come."

"Then just get in the car then."


They reached the DOCO Building and a staff who was waiting for them at the door lead them to a room with Mae and 8 men in it.

The men were standing in horizontal line and Mae was standing in front of them.

She grabbed one guy's collar and dragging him out of the room she grinned, "They are all yours. Just make sure they're alive by the end of it. Nothing else." and left.

The boys looked at the guys standing in front of them. Rage, anger, grief, and all the emotions they felt during the two months and after seeing their bandmate in THAT state, filled them.

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