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"Yes hyung,"
"You're telling me that you saw Saakshi blush seeing Jimin-ah's photo?"


"Which photo was it?"

"This one" JK takes out Jimin's photo from his pocket and shows it to Tae.

"Oooooo, that's why..." Tae smirked.

"And you also said that you saw her blushing when while listening to Jimin and my conversation, Jimin said that he maybe liked her?"


"Jungkook, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I don't know what you're thinking"

"Ugh! You such pabo!"

"Just tell me hyung"

And then Tae said,
"See Jungkook-ah, right now, Saakshi knows Jimin kinda likes her but Jimin-ah doesn't know that Saakshi likes him back.
Now the only thing Saakshi DOESN'T know is that we are aware.
My plan is that we make Jimin jealous and try our best to keep Saakshi away from him and see his reaction.
What say?"

"I say it's an awesome plan hyung!"

~Time Skip~
The next morning

Saakshi woke up and looked to the other side of the room but didn't find Tae.

She thought he must be having breakfast and after doing her morning routine she went to the kitchen and found Tae and Jimin there.

Tae thought this was the perfect chance to make Jimin jealous.

He went to Saakshi and like a 5 year old and side hugged her.

Jimin was a little jealous.

"Oh, Good Morning Tae." Saakshi said patting his back while still sleepy.

"It isn't a Good morning."

"Why what happened?"

"Jimin ate my pancake." He said, fake crying.

"Why did you do that Jimin? You could have made one for yourself if you wanted one."

"Excuse me! I DID NOT eat his pancake."

She looked at Tae who was looking at her like a kid looking up at his mom, and she said, "Tae, is that true?"

"No, he's lying." Tae said with a pouty face.

"Why would I lie?"

"To save yourself!" Tae responded.

"Urrrgh Guys! Shut up! Jimin make pancake for Tae and Tae please stop crying like a baby."

"Also Jiminie, could you please make a few pancakes for me?" Saakshi sleepily requested Jimin.

"'JIMINIEEE' Did she really call me that?" Jimin thought to himself again, trying not to blush.

"Did she just call him that?!!!" Tae thought, surprised. Then he saw Jimin.

He was happy to see his friend like that.

Namjoon and Jin were watching all of this from a distance. They spoke between themselves, "Hyung, are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"Yes Joonie, I am. But are you understanding what I'm understanding?"

"Yes, hyung I am."

Jin and Joon(lol they sound like twins) now knew that Jimin liked Saakshi and something was cooking in Tae's mind.

"We should talk to him hyung,"

"Yeah, call him to your and Jungkook's room after he's done with breakfast. We'll talk to him there."

~Time Skip~
After breakfast, in RM & JK's room.

"So Kim Taehyung-ssi, would you take the efforts to tell what is up with you?" Jin started first.

"I don't know what you are talking about hyung." Tae said, trying to act innocent.

"Oh shut up Tae, you know what we are talking about. Speak up now." Namjoon said.

Tae chuckled a little and told them the whole thing.

After the story telling

"Oh my god hyung! We knew something was up but not SO much!"

"And Tae why did you try to make Jimin jealous? It isn't funny you know. You can call it cruel instead. And the fact that you are such a close friend of his makes it worse." Jin (kinda) scolded Tae.

"I'm sorry hyung. I did it because it was funny. But I promise I won't do it again." .

"You better keep your promise. And don't teach Jungkook such things. He's still a child."Joon continued Jin's talk.

"I won't." Tae said guiltily.

"Good. Now listen, according to what we know, Jimin and Saakshi both like each other. Our mission is to bring them close. Ok?" Jin said.

Tae's eyes lit up as soon as he heard his hyung say those words.

"Hyung are you serious?"

"Yes Tae, we are serious." Joon reassured.

"But," Joon continued,"We have to respect their boundaries and feelings too and let them confess whenever they want, not tease them too much and control yourself in front of the camera. Ok?"

"Okie! Hyung, I have a question, will Jungkook be joining us?"

"No." Jin and Joon said together.


"By the way hyung, do you have a plan?"

"Yeah, listen....."

Jin and Joon explained Tae their plan and they decided to put it to action.

The New Girl... |Editing|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz